I know we’ve been quiet as a collective.
Though we have voiced support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement on all of our personal social medias, the Geeky Brummie accounts have been mainly silent.
As a white male personally it feels disingenuous to be one voicing my support without it sounds like hollow jumping onto the bandwagon.
Geeky Brummie strives to be a positive force. A way to educate, entertain to promote geeky interests. We aim to do this regardless of race, gender, disability or sexuality. We hope that you’ve understood that message over the past 4 years. But at the same time I realise this isn’t enough. It will never be enough to cheer on from the sidelines and tacitly offer support without doing more to amplify the voices of others.
Ryan – Geeky Brummie founder.
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou.
Therefore, as a collective we’d like to announce some changes we’re making going forward.
1. Giving EVERYONE a voice
We want to hear from you, and for you to get involved. Not just from Birmingham, but beyond.We’d like to add a regular 3-5min section per podcast for you to submit a short piece for us to add to podcast and share on our platforms. It could be about anything you’re passionate about, a story, spoken word or anything, it’s a chance for you to use our podcast for your message to the world. Our core team consists of three straight white guys, so with that perspective thoroughly covered, we highly encourage submissions from women and the BAME and LGBT+ communities. We believe geek is universal, after all, and want to do more to prove this.
The only restrictions we ask is to not include expletives, extremist or sweeping political views, or be harmful to any others. Unfortunately as Geeky Brummie earns no revenue these will be unpaid for now.
If you’d like to contribute you can drop an email to audio@geekybrummie.com
2. Giving EVERYONE a creative outlet.
Once a week we’d also like to share our website with a guest writer. Have an idea? Have a good story to tell? Again we’d love to be your home and give chance for your work to a wider audience.
Same as above,The only restrictions we ask is to not include expletives, extremist or sweeping political views, or be harmful to any others. . And of course, we still heavily encourage marginalised voices to contribute. Unfortunately as Geeky Brummie earns no revenue these will be unpaid for now.
To contribute you can drop an email to writing@geekybrummie.com
3. Community Day
We love our followers, and we love shouting about all the good stuff you get up to, so one day a week (to be determined) on our social media, we want to make it a community day, this is space for you to share your works and engage with other creators across our social media platforms and work for a common purpose of amplifying your voices.
If you have work you wish to share with us, please get in touch via your social media network of choice.
4. Commission a New Artwork.
We’d like to commission 5 artists to each take a section of the GEEKY section of our logo and rework it with a theme of positivity. Pieces will be A5 in size and we can pay a commission of £30 per piece. These will then be merged into a final artwork which will have pride of place in our studio.
More details to follow over the next few weeks, but if you’d like to be involved, please send an email to hello@geekybrummie.com
5. Anything else?
If you have any ideas on how we can do more or know someone who would benefit from any of the above. Please get in touch on our socials or via email and we will do what we can. I hope you will find this helpful and informative.
Yours, The Geeky Brummie Collective.
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