The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Doom Patrol.
While the world slowly takes tentative steps back to what we consider normality the comic industry is still playing catch up. More DC and Marvel titles should be on shelves today but of the few comics that are out only a couple have piqued my interest this week. This week DC’s Young Animal series Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds comes to its conclusion and the second issue of Image’s pulp hit Adventureman should also be out.
The all new section Meanwhile also continues this week with more comics related news.
Now on with the comics…
Title: Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds
Issue: 7
Publisher: DC’s Young Animal
- Written by Jeremy Lambert & Gerard Way : Pencils by Nick Derington : Inks by Mike Allred & Nick Derington : Coloured by Tamra Bonvillain : Cover by Nick Derington
From the Publisher:
Everyone needs to be held like a baby. Bundle yourself up, slide into the loving arms of a friend, and strap yourself in for the thrilling conclusion to Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds.
Nick Derington returns for the final issue of the latest Doom Patrol run. I’ve loved this series and Gerard Way’s DC’s Young Animal line has been a huge success in my eyes. It’s been a few months since the last issue in the series and it’ll probably be a while before I actually get my hands on the physical copy but I can’t wait to read this. I hope that we’ll see more from these characters soon but their future is uncertain. Perhaps if the TV show continues to be successful we’ll see them again.
Title: Adventureman
Issue: 2
Publisher: Image Comics
- Written by Matt Fraction : Art by Rachel Dodson & Terry Dodson : Cover by Rachel Dodson & Terry Dodson
- Genres : Action/Adventure
From the Publisher:
The mysterious disappearance of the original Adventureman gets a little more complicated when, in the modern era, single mom Claire Connell stumbles into his legacy. But with the adventuremantle come untold dangers from those who would seek to destroy it!
Issue 1 of this series appeared just a Covid-19 was taking hold so it is hopefully sitting in my regular order box at Worlds Apart Birmingham. All the reviews of this book have been pretty positive and this second issue returns to a more regular sized format after that 64 page bumper first issue. No previews of the internal pages were available as I write this but I’m sure it will look incredible and I can’t wait to see how this adventure plays out. This is a must buy for pulp adventure fans.
Cosplay Kickstarter
Last year I backed a Kickstarter campaign by Katherine Hemmings, a book of short diary comic stories called Being Ginger. It was fabulous and told stories I could really relate to. Now she has launched her latest book Being A Cosplayer. If this book is as funny and insightful as Being Ginger it will be amazing. Please give her campaign a look and support it if you can. I can pretty much guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Reward tiers start at £5 and she has set up a series of stretch goals that I hope she reaches as she is already at twice her campaign goal of £2500.
Go back the project here – Being A Cosplayer
Check out her campaign video.
Voices in your Sleep
This week saw the first glimpse of the new The Sandman audio series coming from Audible. In this short trailer we get to hear James McEvoy as Lord Morpheus, so just close your eyes and listen. This audio adaptation comes from Big Finish genius Dirk Maggs, with an all-star cast including McAvoy as Morpheus, Kat Dennings as Death, Taron Egerton as John Constantine, Andy Serkis as Matthew the Raven, Michael Sheen as Lucifer, Bebe Neuwirth as the Siamese Cat and Riz Ahmed as the Corinthian. Gaiman will serve as the series narrator. I think it sounds incredible and can’t wait to hear the full adaptation.
Check out the official blurb from DC/Audible
Hailed by the Los Angeles Times Magazine as “the greatest epic in the history of comic books”, The Sandman changed the game with its dark, literary world of fantasy and horror – creating a global, cultural phenomenon in the process. At long last, Audible and DC present the first-ever audio production of the New York Times best-selling series written by acclaimed storyteller Neil Gaiman (who also serves as co-executive producer). Adapted and directed by multi-award-winner (and frequent Gaiman collaborator) Dirk Maggs, and performed by an ensemble cast with James McAvoy (It, Parts One and Two, X-Men: First Class, Split) in the title role, this first installment of a multi-part original audio series will transport you to a world that re-writes the rules of audio entertainment the way that The Sandman originally re-defined the graphic novel.
When The Sandman, also known as Lord Morpheus – the immortal king of dreams, stories and the imagination – is pulled from his realm and imprisoned on Earth by a nefarious cult, he languishes for decades before finally escaping. Once free, he must retrieve the three “tools” that will restore his power and help him to rebuild his dominion, which has deteriorated in his absence. As the multi-threaded story unspools, The Sandman descends into Hell to confront Lucifer (Michael Sheen), chases rogue nightmares who have escaped his realm, and crosses paths with an array of characters from DC comic books, ancient myths, and real-world history, including: Inmates of Gotham City’s Arkham Asylum, Doctor Destiny, the muse Calliope, the three Fates, William Shakespeare (Arthur Darvill), and many more.
A powerhouse supporting cast helps translate this masterwork into a sonic experience worthy of its legacy, including Riz Ahmed, Kat Dennings, Taron Egerton, Samantha Morton, Bebe Neuwirth, Andy Serkis, and more. Setting the stage for their performance is an unprecedented cinematic soundscape featuring an original musical score by British Academy Award winner James Hannigan. Fans will especially revel in a new twist for the audio adaptation: Neil Gaiman himself serves as the narrator. Follow him as he leads listeners along a winding path of myths, imagination and, often, terror. Even in your wildest dreams, you’ve never heard anything like this.
Time Circuits on and Roll Out
To coincide with the release of the Back To The Future/Transformers crossover comic and to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Back to the Future, toy makers HASBRO are releasing the all-new Transformers character Gigawatt, a time-travelling Autobot. He looks pretty incredible and I hope he can get to 88mph.
Here is the official synopsis for the four-issue-crossover comic Transformers / Back to the Future and the first cover image :
From IDW comes Transformers / Back to the Future – the four-part, comic book series. The first issue cover is being revealed today, along with the story synopsis: Marty McFly has just returned to his home sweet home, Hill Valley 1985, and everything’s looking up… that is, until Marty and his friend Doc Brown’s time machine attracts the attention of the Decepticons! With one small mistake, Marty finds himself thrust into adventure to stop the Decepticon plot in the past, present, and future… all with the help of a new time machine: the Autobot, Gigawatt!
My Pulls
Comic shops are open but things will be quite different for a while yet. Until things settle down I’ll continue to keep this section as a list of comic stores around the UK you can support.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them to pre-order titles, new collections or back issues from them and arrange either to collect or have your comics mailed out to you.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Stores reopened 15th June 2020 – please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are now open. Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
OK Comics is now open. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Page 45 reopened this week. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Travelling Man has opened its doors again . Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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