The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Strange Adventures.
Hey comic fans. It’s another quiet week for comics with DC and Marvel playing catch-up on their schedules. I’ve picked the comics this week that are continuing series I’m a big fan of. The first is the latest issue of the wonderful Strange Adventures and the second is Once & Future which is beginning to look like a instruction manual for life in England.
The all new section Meanwhile also continues this week with more comics related news.
Now on with the comics…
Title: Strange Adventures
Issue: 3
Publisher: DC Black Label
- Written by Tom King : Art by Mitch Gerads & Evan Shaner
From the Publisher:
Can Adam Strange handle the truth? After the cosmic adventurer was accused of murder and had his whole record as a soldier questioned, he turned to Batman for help clearing his name. But someone else was needed to ensure that the investigation would be truly impartial. Enter Mr. Terrific, the man for whom “Fair Play” is a credo to live by. Be careful what you wish for, Adam Strange, because your life is about to be turned upside down. This could be one of the greatest tests you’ve ever faced. Like when you had to prove yourselves in Rann’s gladiatorial arena.
This adventure between two worlds continues, with Mitch Gerads drawing the gritty Earth sequences and Doc Shaner showing us the splendor of Adam Strange’s battles in outer space!
Looks like this series will be as great as Mister Miracle and it’ll have to be a really good week to have me reaching for another title as my comic of the week. Tom King is doing something extraordinary with these classic heroes. He is reinventing them in a way that is both sympathetic to their origins but is also making them relevant to todays audiences. The split narrative is keeping the central mystery satisfyingly just out of reach and the contrasting art of Gerads and Shaner is both gorgeous and part of the reason this story works so well. This series feels real and relevant. The characters are living, breathing people and I can’t help feeling King is going to put Adam through the ringer before we get to the end of the series.
Title: Once & Future
Issue: 9
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
- Written by Kieron Gillen : Pencils by Dan Mora : Coloured by Tamra Bonvillain : Cover by Dan Mora
- Genres : Action/Adventure/Fantasy
From the Publisher:
With Merlin — and the magic he wields — back at his side, King Arthur is stronger than ever. Brigette and Duncan continue to fight against Camelot’s dark forces, but when Merlin calls to life another story entirely, will the two heroes save the day? Or will they find themselves becoming the villains they’re sworn to defeat.
Once upon a time this title would have been considered a fantasy story. As 2020 goes on Once & Future seems to be more prophetic than anything. In an England that seems to be run by agents of the very worst Dark Forces, knowing there is probably people like Brigette and Duncan out there fighting against it is reassuring. Dan Mora continues to deliver simply beautiful art and Tamra Bonvillain is working wonders with a provocative palette of colours. The only downside is the issues slip by quickly thanks to the breakneck pace of the story. This is another jewel in the crown for BOOM! who are establishing themselves as one of the big players in comics.
The Mighty World of McCREA
I’ve been a big fan of artist John McCrea for a long time. I’ve followed his career through 2000AD & Crisis in the UK and then The Demon and Hitman for DC. More recently John has made a big splash at Image with his and Gerry Duggan’s creator owned series Dead Eyes.
Now John is about to launch his first Kickstarter, a collection of 30+ years of creator owned work. This is the first of 4 proposed issues and will include 200-pages of some incredible work, The Atheist with Phil Hester, the Tosspot Four with Garth Ennis, Dinosaurs Rool with Nick Abadzis and an all-new story, Rocket Station Charlie with Gerry Duggan. The umbrella title for the series The Mighty World of McCREA should sound very familiar to fans of a certain age and the logo, shown above, looks fantastic. I can’t wait to back this one and get my hands on some work I haven’t seen in a long time.
Sign up here to follow the Mighty World of McCrea Kickstarter
John McCrea is also online at www.johnmccrea.co.uk
You can also follow John McCrea online via his social media: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
From Nebula M-78
Thanks to the recent Ultraman Day celebrations, Marvel teased us with a look at some of the variant covers and preview pages from their upcoming The Rise of Ultraman series. Ultraman has been a pop culture icon for over 50 years and this September writers Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Winter Soldier) and Mat Groom (Self/Made), artists Francesco Manna (Avengers, Fantastic Four) Michael Cho (Captain America) and Gurihiru (The Unstoppable Wasp) will be reimagining the beginnings of the Ultraman legend.
This looks like it could finally bring Ultraman to a much larger audience. I will be trying my best to grab a copy of the Arthur Adams cover for issue 2. They look stunning. Ultraman: The Rise of Ultraman is released by Marvel in September.
Hall H at Home
With Covid-19 meaning most if not all conventions have been cancelled for the remainder of the year we have finally had news of the schedule for the first San Diego Comic-Con at Home. San Diego Comic-Con is one of the entertainment world’s biggest events and now covers so much more than comics. Films and TV now make up a major part of the appeal of the con with Marvel and others taking the opportunity to reveal big news and exclusives to the crowds in Hall H.
This year the organisers have decided to put on a virtual event, promising an incredible experience with many of the usual panel discussions, Q&As and sneak peaks of upcoming productions direct to your home.
Comic-Con at Home will fall at the same time as the original event was intended to take place – so, you should keep 22nd-26th July free if you wish to attend. Unfortunately, for UK fans it will also require some late nights, as the events have been scheduled to Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), which is eight hours behind British Summer Time (BST). There is a very, very long list of all the events you’ll be able to attend. Click the link to see more details and to sign-up.
SDCC @ Home Schedule: https://comiccon2020.sched.com/
My Pulls
Comic shops are open but things will be quite different for a while yet. Until things settle down I’ll continue to keep this section as a list of comic stores around the UK you can support.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them to pre-order titles, new collections or back issues from them and arrange either to collect or have your comics mailed out to you.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Stores reopened 15th June 2020 – please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are now open. Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
OK Comics is now open. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Page 45 reopened this week. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Travelling Man has opened its doors again . Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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Or use the awesome League of Comics Geeks website – leagueofcomicgeeks.com
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