The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Twig
Firstly, welcome back to the Geeky Brummie Pull List. Twig, from Image Comics is our Comic of the Week. Secondly, we have the latest issue of Once and Future, from BOOM! Studios, and the final issue of One-Star Squadron, from DC Comics, round out this weeks new comics. Finally this week, have another two great comics to look out for On The Radar also from Image Comics and IDW Publishing. In MEANWHILE… we say farewell to the legendary Neal Adams.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com.
Now on with the comics…

Issue 1
IDW Publishing/BOOM! Studios
Writer, Variant Cover Artist – Skottie Young
Artist, Cover Artist, Variant Cover Artist – Kyle Strahm
Colourist – Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letterer – Nate Piekos
Buy on Comixology – Twig #1 (Link)
It’s the first day of Twig’s new job as a journeyer on a JEFF SMITH’s Bone-esque quest to save a The Dark Crystal/Labyrinth-style world. Join our hesitant hero for an inspiring and imaginative tale of hope, heartache, and determination to overcome insurmountable odds!
The first time I saw the preview art from Twig, I knew this was for me. Firstly, the art Kyle Strahm has used here, of an animated, Jim Henson style world, was enough to convince me to give this book a try. Likewise, Skottie Young has transitioned from artist to a writer of really great books and I hope Twig continues this trend. If you want your comics to be something different then you really should pick this one up.

Once and Future
Issue 25
BOOM! Studios
Writer- Kieron Gillen
Artist, Cover Artist – Dan Mora
Colourist – Tamra Bonvillain
Buy on Comixology – Once and Future #25 (Link)
It’s the day before Christmas and the sword in the stone has appeared outside London.
As the myths foretold, whoever draws it will be the true king!
But as all of the Kings converge on the sword, events unfold that could bring even more chaos to the land.
Surely, this comics has appeared in the Pull List enough times for you to know I like this book. Gillen and co continue to pull from British folklore in new and delightful way. If you’ve not tried this comic before, jump on board now.

One-Star Squadron
Issue 6
DC Comics
Writer – Mark Russell
Artist, Cover Artist – Steve Lieber
Colourist – Dave Stewart
Letterer – Dave Sharpe
Buy on Comixology – One-Star Squadron #6 (Link)
Funeral for a coworker! The former employees of Heroz4U mourn the loss of yet another one of their own as they all struggle to return to civilian life. Have things changed for the better for some? Or are they all destined to be one-star heroes for good? Be sure to check out the grand finale of the critically acclaimed miniseries by Mark Russell (The Flintstones) and Steve Lieber (Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen)!
Wow, that was quick. Given that this is the last issue, I’m curious to see how it all works out for our unlikely band of employee’s. This book has cemented Russell as one of the best writers in comics today. Lieber’s art has been the perfect accompaniment to this story of somber and thoughtful reflection on how what we do defines us.

On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Monkey Meat #5
Image Comics
Writer, Artist, Cover Artist – Juni Ba
Buy on Comixology – Monkey Meat #5 (Link)
The Monkey Meat Company has fallen! The culprit? Golo, a tiny, brainless boy whose obsessive consumption of the simian carne drove the entire island to ruin. But not all is lost for a brighter future, as Golo is chosen for a quest that could make him into the hero of a better age! If he could just think about something other than meat…

The Rocketeer: The Great Race #2
IDW Publishing
Writer, Artist, Variant Cover Artist – Stephen Mooney
Colourist – Len O’Grady
Lettering – Shawn Lee
Buy on Comixology – The Rocketeer: The Great Race #2 (Link)
Cliff Secord has finally decided to abandon the Rocketeer persona for good and concentrate on making his gal, Betty, proud of him by taking an honest-to-goodness legit gig-piloting an experimental rocket plane in a death-defying race halfway around the world! Cliff must navigate both the route and the myriad ace pilots assembled against him in order to secure one of the most valuable prizes ever offered. If only the competition were as prepared as Cliff to play it straight… Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!

Farewell Neal Adams (1941 – 2022)

The death of comic book legend Neal Adams, was announced this week. Perhaps best know for bringing Batman back from his late ’60s kitsch presentation, to the moody, driven Dark Knight we know today. Adam’s also helped co-create Ra’s Al Ghul, the Man-Bat and Green Lantern, John Stewart in Green Lantern/Green Arrow #87 with his long time collaborator, Denny O’Neil.

Following his runs on Batman and Green Lantern, Adams freelanced for Marvel Comics on books such as Uncanny X-Men and The Avengers. In 1970, Adams established the art and illustration studio Continuity Associates with Dick Giordano. In 1984, Adams founded his own comic book company Continuity Comics. Neal Adams was also an advocate for creators’ rights and helped form the Comics Creators Guild.

Neal Adams was inducted into the Eisner Awards’ Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 1998, the Harvey Awards’ Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1999, and the Inkwell Awards Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame in 2019.
“Adams also worked tirelessly to promote better working conditions and, radically at the time, creators’ rights, especially for their work. He early on recognised the value of creators and was a thorn in the side of publishers, demanding compensation for himself and others when their characters were adapted off the page.”
– The Hollywood Reporter
A true legend of the industry, our condolences go out to the entire Adams’ family.

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the League of Comic Geeks website and app
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