This week, pirates, grand adventures and hazy 90s nostalgia.
Film Roundup 20/02/2025
Hello, and welcome to this week’s Film Roundup – taking you through the biggest new cinema releases and why you should be excited for them. Today we have a satanic […]
Urban Myth Dissolution Center, Tomb Raider, Civilization – Games Release Roundup
This week, urban myths, dark angels and the entire history of the world.
Film Releases 13/02/2025
Hello, and welcome to this week’s film roundup! Every Thursday we take you through the weekend’s most exciting new cinema releases – this week it’s Valentine’s Day, so naturally we […]
Stolen Star Wars Memorabilia – Can you help?
Stolen Star Wars Memorabilia – Can you help?
Last week a storage unit was broken into in the B12 area of Birmingham. The items taken included a large collection of Star Wars collectibles. Some have been traced to local shops in the Birmingham area but there are still some large (and sentimental items missing including: