On this issue of the Geeky Brummie Podcast Leigh Interviews Tom Keane from Godolphin Games about their future release Unknown Number. We look at Black Widow’s Cinema / Home release and postulate on if it will work for an MCU movie. And as a fast blue hedgehog reaches his 30th birthday we look back at his gaming history and the highs (and lows) of the franchise so far. Plus regular features, The Geeky Brummie Pull List, Game(s) of the Week(s), and a whole lot more!
Godolphin Games
Unknown Number: A First-Person Talker – Game Preview
There have been a few attempts at marrying voice controls to video games. From the primitive N64 microphone that allowed you to uselessly yell at a virtual Pikachu, through to the limited interactivity of Xbox’s Kinect, voice commands have always felt like a gimmick that never truly sticks the landing.
And in a world where Alexa and Siri and various other devices are constantly listening out for us to ask them random trivia or passing our personal conversations onto their corporate masters for advertising, it’s slightly odd that games have never fully embraced the technology. Although preferably without the invasions of privacy.