It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store including Dial H For Hero, Amazing Spider-Man: Full Circle, The Immortal Hulk, Second Comics, Swamp Thing Giant and first issue of Kaijumax: Volume 5.
Superman Smashes The Klan #NCBD 16th October 2019
It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store including Superman Smashes The Klan, Once and Future, Steeple, History of the Marvel Universe, Strayed and first issue of Metal Men.
Wonder Twins #NCBD 9th October 2019
It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store including Wonder Twins, Batman: Universe, Outer Darkness, Powers of X, Collapser and first Journey to The Rise of Skywalker comic.
Dead Eyes #NCBD 2nd October 2019
It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store including Dead Eyes, Grendel: Devil’s Odyssey and our usual round up of other great books you should be reading
New Mutants: War Children #NCBD 25th September 2019
It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store which include New Mutants: War Children, Dial H For Hero, Powers of X and Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass.