So what’s up?
After 140 weeks and 139 shows, Geeky Brummie has decided to part ways with Brum Radio. Brum Radio has been a fantastic home for Geeky Brummie for almost 3 years and we couldn’t have done it without them. We wish them every success and they are your best source for alternative programming and local music.
However, myself and the team have decided we can best serve our audience by moving to podcast only. Over the past few months, we’ve noticed our features have been growing longer and more detailed. This doesn’t fit a short weekly show and we didn’t want the content to suffer because of it.
So what does this mean?
We will still be bringing you a weekly show, however, this will now be a weekly podcast instead. Our chosen host is Podiant, run by one of the most respected people in the podcasting community, Mark Steadman, a fellow Brummie. If you are looking at hosting your own, we recommend you check it out. You can find the podcast on multiple sources, all listed below for easy subscription!
Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Podiant Stitcher
TuneIn PocketCasts Player FM Castro Overcast RadioPublic
We are also looking at expanding our YouTube channel (you knew we had one right?). We have done some fantastic videos out and about, and we’re looking forward to doing more soon. We also want to look at adding tech, game and other videos in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled. We have done a few collaborations with our friend, Graham over at Jaws19Show, including his recent horror short JOB.
Have an idea of what kind of content you’d like to see? Drop us an email to hello@geekybrummie.com.
Geeky Goings On has been a staple of Geeky Brummie since inception. We love sharing all things geek whether in Birmingham, the Midlands or beyond! It’s something we’re continuing to do and have set up a separate Twitter account [Geeky Goings On] to share anything, big or small!
If you’ve got an event, release or anything geeky you’d love us to shout about, please email us at ggo@geekybrummie.com.
Geeky Brummie receives no funding. We try to give you the best quality content we can but we’d like to do more, especially by giving our equipment a bit of an upgrade.
If you’d like to support Geeky Brummie, please consider donating to our Ko-Fi, which will help with hosting, equipment and transport costs, to pinch an old supermarket slogan, ‘Every Little Helps’!
We’ll also be looking at merchandise in the near future so again, any ideas on what you’d like to see (mugs, T-shirts, stickers, etc.) let us know!
Ryan is joining the team behind Not Another Comic Con, along with founder Pete Burke, Olly MacNamee and Amy Scott. The event is scheduled for 3rd August 2019 at Aston University and there will some fantastic things occurring in the run-up, so make a note in your calendar.
We are also looking at attending (and possibly hosting) some other events in the near future!
In Summary
Geeky Brummie will no longer be a weekly radio show but we are still here to provide you your #WeekInGeek and #GeekyGoingsOn.
I hope you’ll be joining us on this new step in our journey.
Ryan Parish
Founder, Geeky Brummie
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