The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Good Boy
Hello comic fans, I’ll be whipping through this weeks books, as time is short. On the Pull List this week we have our Comic Of The Week – Good Boy from Source Point Press, plus the latest issues of I Hate This Place, Book of Shadows and A.X.E.: Judgement Day. In our On The Radar selection, we have 8 more comics from Image, DC Black Label, Marvel and Dark Horse Comics. And in MEANWHILE… we lament the loss of Birmingham comic con ICE – The International Comic Expo.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com.
Now on with the comics…

Good Boy Volume 2
Issue 4
Source Point Press
Writers – Christina Blanch and Garrett Gunn
Artist – Kit Wallis
Letterer – Dave Lentz
Buy from Forbidden Planet – Good Boy Volume 2 #4 (Link)
Flint, Abraham, and the rest of The Demon Dogs confront Tucker. This issue: EVERYONE DIES.
I love this series. It has developed nicely away from the straight John Wick parody it was, to something that reminds me of the best of 80s action movies. I’m invested in the characters and what happens to them, which is just what you want a story to do. Kit Wallis is a major talent, who delivers some really beautiful and expressive art.

I Hate This Place
Issue 4
Image Comics
Writer – Kyle Starks
Artist – Artyom Topilin
Colourist – Lee Loughridge
Buy on Comixology – I Hate This Place #4 (Link)
What is a paranormal nexus, and how did Rutherford Ranch become one? Gabby, Trudy, and Dante search for answers, only to discover something else is stalking them.
This series continues to get better and better. Each new character brings something to the table and makes for a very interesting story. Dark and humourous in just the right places, this is a book that deserves your attention.

Book of Shadows
Issue 2
Valiant Comics
Writer – Cullen Bunn
Artist – Vicente Cifuentes
Buy on Comixology – Book of Shadows #2 (Link)
Shadowman, Punk Mambo, Doctor Mirage, Eternal Warrior, and Shadowman’s new ward, Persephone, confront a villain from the Veil. Exarch Fane has broken through to Earth, bringing with him the Book of Shadows, which is more than just your average tome. Death and destruction follow in Fane’s wake. Can our heroes save the day or will they run away to lick their wounds?
I surprises me that this book is so far down the list on League of Comic Geeks. Valiant have been doing great things with these characters, and this team-up is off to a great start. Demand your local comic book store stock this one and give it a chance.

A.X.E.: Judgement Day
Issue 3
Marvel Comics
Writer – Kieron Gillen
Artist – Valerio Schiti
Colourist – Marte Gracia
Letterer – Clayton Cowles
Buy on Comixology – A.X.E.: Judgement Day #3 (Link)
JUDGMENT DAY BEGINS. The heroes know what they have to do. But do they have to do it? They were smart enough to get themselves into this mess. Maybe they can be smart enough to get out of it….
Yep, more Judgement Day. I guess you’re reading this already.

On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Public Domain #3
Image Comics
Writer and Artist – Chip Zdarsky
Buy on Comixology – Public Domain #3 (Link)
Big things happen! Featuring the fan-favorite new character “Dee” Donovan! That’s her on the cover! I think I have a thing for powerful women. It has a lot to do with stuff that happened to me as a child. I don’t really want to get into it here!!

Beware The Eye Of Odin #3
Image Comics
Writer – Doug Wagner
Artist – Tim Odland
Colourist – Michelle Madsen
Buy on Comixology – Beware The Eye Of Odin #3 (Link)
Helgi has once again found the Eye of Odin. Unfortunately for him, the Eye is in the hands of the Troll Witch Doctor and his army of bloodthirsty, mutated trolls and venomous monsters. The only chance Helgi has of avoiding an excruciating death of boils and decay…ATTACK!

Tales Of The Human Target #1
DC Black Label
Writer – Tom King
Artists – Mikel Janin, Kevin Maguire, Rafael Albuquerque and Greg Smallwood
Buy on Comixology – Tales Of The Human Target #1 (Link)
Building on the most critically acclaimed series of the year, Tom King and four of comics’ top artists tell the tales of what happened before Chance drank Luthor’s poison. Chance teams up with fan-favorite members of the JLI in four connecting mysteries that lead them to that fateful day when one them will kill the Human Target.

Fables #154
DC Black Label
Writer – Bill Willingham
Artists – Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha
Colourist – Lee Loughridge
Letterer – Todd Klein
Buy on Comixology – Fables #154 (Link)
There’s trouble brewing in the Black Forest, and Squire Polly has sent out a rallying cry to all woodland creatures. This is their world. Their land. And they’re not going to fall prey to any sort of invasion. But is Polly even capable of inspiring everyone to action? Meanwhile, Greenjack has partnered up with Mrs. Bear for an adventure of her own!

The Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel To Be KIn #4
Dark Horse Comics
Writer and Artist – Geof Darrow
Colourist – Dave Stewart
Buy on Comixology – The Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel To Be Kin #4 (Link)

Defenders Beyond #2
Marvel Comics
Writer – Al Ewing
Artist – Javier Rodriguez
Colourist – Alvaro López
Letterer – Joe Caramagna
Buy on Comixology – Defenders Beyond #2 (Link)
The adventure begins—in the path of the Beyonder? When Loki, Blue Marvel, America Chavez, Taaia and Tigra land rather unexpectedly in the Second Cosmos, they find their lives in the hands of its cosmic overseers—unless Loki can figure out the right trick to save them all.

The Amazing Spider-Man #8
Marvel Comics
Writer – Zeb Wells
Artists – John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
Colourist – Marcio Menyz
Letterer – Joe Caramagna
Buy on Comixology – The Amazing Spider-Man #8 (Link)
Spider-Man has a new costume and accessories that look vaguely…familiar. Is that a GLIDER?!

Fantastic Four #46
Marvel Comics
Writer – Dan Slott
Artist – Cafu
Colourist – Jesus Aburtov
Letterer – Joe Caramagna
Buy on Comixology – Fantastic Four #46 (Link)
Not a dream. Not a hoax. This is real. Thanks to the knowledge of the Watchers, the lost daughter of Nathaniel Richards has been found. It’s time to finally meet the mysterious sister of Reed Richards. But is it time to welcome her into the family? It’s a day of amazing adventures both in her world, and in the world of the Fantastic Four. Guest-starring Namor, King of Atlantis.

Farewell The International Comics Expo
Last week it was announced that ICE – The International Comics Expo, due to take place on 5th September 2022, had been cancelled and founder Shane Chebsey was retiring from the convention circuit.

This is the official public announcement to confirm that ICE Birmingham 2022 is indeed cancelled and we are no longer running large conventions in the future.
The reasons for this are as described in detail in emails sent out to those who have pre booked, exhibited or are involved in some way.
Refunds will be issued to everyone who has pre booked.
This decision was not made lightly and was taken over a long period considering every possible option
Of course we are sorry to everyone who was coming to the show.
To the 89 exhibitors and the hundreds who pre booked and supported us and to the guests who put the time aside to be with us
To those who didn’t book… We do understand.
We are facing tough times here in the UK and it was obvious that the sudden decline in ticket sales after months of great ticket sales was due to the economy.
So with all of that out of the way, the ICE Team would like to express our huge thanks to the many people who have made ICE one of the best comic conventions in the country over the last 8 years.
All of the guests, all of the extra volunteers and staff all of the exhibitors, all of the press who helped us promote, all of the Cosplayers who brightened up the venues and made the events fun for everyone and of course all of the fans.
Friendships and legends were made
We can’t possibly list you all here but you know who you are.
We lost a few dear friends along the way too… And we all felt those losses together.
The comic industry is full of amazing people and we have been lucky enough to host many of you at ICE over the years and we’ve had lots of fun together.
ICE may be gone, but our spirit will remain.
We will continue to promote new books, celebrate talent and talk about the issues within the industry on the weekly ICE CAST LIVE shows.
This page will be transformed into the ICE CAST LIVE Page and you can expect some great online virtual events from us in the future.
So this is not goodbye, but it is the end of an era.
Love to you all.
Shane Chebsey and the ICE Team- The International Comic Con
We have been big fans of this particular show, since its days as BICS, because it was our local Birmingham show, and it always focused on the love of making and reading comics. Many incredible guests have attended over the years and Shane and his team have alway made it a highlight of the convention calendar. We attended on many occasions and were delighted to host the Beano 80th Anniversary panel in 2018.
Long Live ICE
But this is not really the end, it’s the beginning of something different. Shane has been the host of ICE Cast Live for some time now, and this will continue to host some of the greatest names in comics. As stated above the ICE Facebook page will transform into ICE Cast Live page, but you can see all the previous episode right now on their YouTube channel – The ICE-CAST LIve (Link), so go and check it out.
Everyone at GBHQ sends their deepest, heartfelt gratitude to Shane and his team for giving us one of the best cons, and we wish them every success with their future endeavours – excelsior!
We Were There
To finish I’m posting the videos we made at ICE shows in 2017 and 2018 to remind us all just how great an experience it’s been. Thanks Shane and team.
Worlds Apart Birmingham Manga Day
This Saturday 27th August 2022, Worlds Apart Birmingham are hosting a Manga Day. They will have discounts across all Manga/Anime merchandise, competitions, and freebies. They are also encouraging you to show off your best Cosplay on the day too.

You can find Worlds Apart Birmingham at 14-16 Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4EN and you can follow them on Twitter and Facebook for regular update on all their activities.

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the League of Comic Geeks website and app.
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