The Geeky Brummie Pull List with 2000AD
Real life is getting to be stranger than any comic book story. Thanks to various obstacles my local comic book shop won’t be receiving all of the titles due to be available today. There will be no Marvel titles at all even though I have two of the X-books listed here. Of course nothing can stand in the way of the mighty 2000AD so that throughly deserves the title of Comic of the Week
In Meanwhile… this week we take a look at an upcoming book that you should definitely check out.
Now on with the comics…
Title: 2000AD
Issue: 2218
Publisher: Rebellion
- Written by Rob Williams, Alec Worley, Michael Carroll & Pat Mills : Art by Simon Coleby, Ben Willsher, Jake Lynch, Leonardo Manco & Simon Fraser
Genres: Horror/Fantasy/Action/ Adventure/Science Fiction
From the Publisher:
2000 AD Prog 2218 is out this week, and alongside the latest instalments of Durham Red, Proteus Vex, Sláine and the penultimate chapter of Hershey: The Brutal, there’s another complete case for Judge Dredd, this time from Rob Williams and Simon Coleby.
I don’t know how Tharg does it. Every week a new issue of 2000AD arrives and nothing can stop it. The galaxy’s greatest comic editor knows how to keep those thrill-suckers at bay. Perhaps he should be in charge of the UK. The Prog is doing great right now with plenty of amazing stories to keep us happy. In this Prog there is a new one issue Dredd story from Rob Williams and Simon Coleby. These short stories can often be a powerful as the full blown epics and that looks to be the case here. Durham Red continues her adventures and it’s great to see more of one of the doghouses best characters. Proteus Vex is bonkers and brilliant and Jake Lynch does a magnificent job on art. Sláine is Sláine, back for what could be his final outing in the pages of 2000AD. What makes this series so thrilling is the incredible art of Leonardo Manco. This is just glorious stuff. Wrapping up the Prog is Hershey by that boy Williams again with Simon Fraser proving some lovely linework and just phenomenal colours. It’s great to see Dirty Frank back in a big way too. There is something for everyone in 2000AD and it looks like the Prog will be getting even better in 2021.
Title: S.W.O.R.D.
Issue: 3
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Al Ewing : Art by Bernard Chang, Ray-Anthony Height, Nico Leon & Valerio Schiti
Genres: Superhero/Action/ Adventure/Science Fiction
From the Publisher:
TAKE A TRIP WITH THE EVERYWHERE MAN! The Void-God has overtaken the Earth. Top-level mutants have been assimilated. Protocol V is in effect. But space is a big place… and a lot of things happen there at once. Walk a mile in the Manifold’s shoes, as S.W.O.R.D.’s Quintician takes a multi-artist journey across the universe and back… and comes face to face with S.W.O.R.D.’s deadliest enemy.
If you’re watching WandaVision you might be familiar with the S.W.O.R.D. name but this isn’t quite the same. This S.W.O.R.D. follows the more traditional Marvel comic structure. Al Ewing has a knack for doing phenomenal cosmic comics, just look at his Guardians of the Galaxy run or his own We Only Find Them When They’re Dead series. Connecting S.W.O.R.D. to the X-Men opened up a whole new set of possible stories and so far we’ve yet to see how cosmic Al can go. With ties to the current King in Black crossover this book has yet to really let loose. But stick with it and I’m sure we’ll be rewarded with some incredible stuff.
Title: Excalibur
Issue: 18
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Tini Howard : Art by Marcus To
Genres: Superhero/Action/ Adventure/Science Fiction
From the Publisher:
THE WOMAN ON THE SHORE! As the Council makes moves to protect mutants in the Otherworld, Excalibur must determine the fate of Betsy Braddock.
There is lots to enjoy about Excalibur. A great cast of characters and some interesting dilemmas for the team to overcome. Things still seem fractured since the events of X of Swords but how long can the keep Betsy on the sidelines? Kwannon features heavily on the next couple of covers but I really hope we’re not going to see the usual body swapping antics. A solid book I can fully recommend.
Not Lost In Translation
Publisher 21 Pulp is set to bring Italian comic publisher Shockdom’s acclaimed graphic novel Bianca to comic stores this coming March.
Bianca is the story of an Earth where humans are long gone and the only rule left is that the strong survive. Otherwise, the Flesh-Eaters will devour you! But Bianca has chosen to fight and seek revenge instead!
This is the second foreign language graphic novel Shockom and 21 Pulp have brought to the english speaking market after the beautiful Francis, and it marks another step in bringing European comics to a bigger audience. Bianca is written by Paolo Margiotta with art by Francesca Perrone.
Check out these lovely preview pages and then ask your local comic store to order you a copy.
Your Local Comics Shops
With Covid-19 restrictions in place across the country please check in with your local comic shop to see how it affects them and support them in any way you can.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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