The Geeky Brummie Pull List with #NTYCBD Crossovers Edition.
Hello and welcome to another Pull List. In this edition I’ll be looking back at some comics I loved that may be new to you for New To You Comic Book Day – #NTYCBD. Where possible I’d like people to reach out to their local comic book store – a list of the big UK ones are at the bottom this post – and make a purchase from them. I will include a link to the books on Comixology/Amazon as an option where possible. Some books may be more difficult to track down but it’ll be worth having a look on eBay for those.
This week having touched on the subject a bit in last weeks Twitter selections, I’m going to pick three of the comics that crossed over some of my favourite books and characters.
Title: Marvel and DC Presents: The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans
Publisher: Marvel Comics/DC Comics
- Written by Chris Claremont : Art by Walt Simonson, Terry Austin and Glynis Oliver
Page Count : 65 Pages
Comixology Link – Unavailable – Check your local comic book store or eBay
From the Publisher:
Universes collide as the Source Wall has been breached. The Marvel and DC universes seem to have merged. This allows a team-up of Dark Phoenix and Darkseid to threaten everything. Can the Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans overcome their differences, stop fighting between each other, and team-up to save both Universes? Note: This story takes place when Beast Boy went by “Changeling,” Nightwing went by “Robin,” Donna Troy went by “Wonder Girl,” and Flash (Wally West) went by “Kid Flash.”
Before Secret Wars, before Crisis On Infinite Earths, there was The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans. Heroes from both publishers had appeared together in the past – Superman and Spider-Man had meet a couple of times. Batman had encountered The Incredible Hulk. But this book really broke the mould and set the bar for all feature comic crossovers. At the peak of both teams popularity, the Uncanny X-Men/New Teen Titans special set the teams against a cosmic menace so huge it take their combined might to defeat it: the union of Darkseid and Dark Phoenix.
This comic was a true event and really did do something extraordinary. The writing from Claremont is spot on and uses the perfect roosters of both teams. Walt Simsonson also delivers with amazing art that captures the best of both teams and channels a bit of Jack Kirby when dealing with Darkseid and The New Gods. It was breathtaking to see at the time and still remains one of his greatest works.
What Chris Claremont and Walt Simonson crafted here was a book that was far ahead of its time and is still the best crossover comic ever. If only all comic books were THIS good.
Title: Justice League/Power Rangers
Publisher: DC Comics/BOOM! Studios
- Written by Tom Taylor : Art by Stephen Byrne
- Genres : Superhero
Page Count : 158 Pages
Comixology Link – Justice League/Power Rangers
From the Publisher:
It’s team-up time! Two of pop culture’s greatest teams collide in the graphic novel you thought you’d never see in JUSTICE LEAGUE/POWER RANGERS! The Justice League have never met heroes like these teenagers with attitude before!
When a teleporter accident brings the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers from Angel Grove to Gotham City, Batman isn’t sure what to make of these masked martial artists and their highly suspicious giant robot dinosaurs. It’s time to call in the DC Universe’s greatest heroes — the Justice League!
But the League and the Rangers will have to get over their distrust quickly, because the fate of two worlds is on the line! When the Power Rangers crossed between worlds, they weren’t alone — Lord Zedd came with them. And when Zedd meets Brainiac, neither the DC Universe nor the Rangers’ home Earth is safe.
But when these two mighty teams join forces, they morph into a fighting force like neither world has ever seen!
Writer Tom Taylor (INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US) and artist Stephen Byrne (GREEN ARROW) bring together the classic Power Rangers lineup and the greatest superheroes of the DC Universe in this crossover sensation. Collects JUSTICE LEAGUE/POWER RANGERS #1-6.
I’ve not really read many Power Rangers comics, but I’d heard good things about the books BOOM! Studios were producing from fans. What sold me on this particular ‘Worlds Collide’ adventure between the Justice League and Power Rangers was the art of Stephen Byrne. Luckily Tom Taylor weaves a wonderfully fun story and plays up the tropes of both sets of characters.
This isn’t just a crossover for the sake of having a crossover; Taylor really ties the two worlds together and makes full use of the combined playground. With Taylor and Byrne at the helm this comic is is a fun blend of action and superb storytelling. Definitely worth reading.
Title: Predator Versus Judge Dredd Versus Aliens
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics/Rebellion
- Written by John Wagner & Andy Diggle : Art by Enrique Alacatena & Henry Flint
Comixology Link – Predator Versus Judge Dredd Versus Aliens
From the Publisher:
Dredd is the most lethal of the highly-trained and obscenely well-armed law enforcement agency known as the Judges, tasked with keeping the sprawling metropolis of Mega-City One from descending into chaos and anarchy. But now Dredd and the other Judges are all that stand between the universe’s most efficient killing machines and the annihilation of every living being in the city–criminal or innocent. Dark Horse Comics and 2000 AD team up to bring you a collection of the classic stories Predator versus Judge Dredd and Judge Dredd versus Aliens in one handsome hardcover.
This title is a little misleading. What you actual get is one story with Dredd encountering Aliens and a second where he tangles with a Predator. Dropping the famous 20th Century Fox sci-fi movie monsters into Mega City One totally works.
Aliens is by far the better of the two stories, making the most of the established Alien mythology and giving Dredd a run for his money. The Predator story is basically a rerun of what we’d already seen in the films but it’s fun to see Dredd face off with such a iconic figure.
My Pulls
With no new comics to buy this week what can you do in the meantime? Let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them and see if they are still open, continue to pre-order titles, and use this as an opportunity to purchase one of my #NTYCBD suggestions, a new collection or back issues from them. Use one of the apps or websites below to see what’s due to be coming out soon and pre-order the titles you’re interested in, since, as of now, publishers still intend to release the comics that are not currently able to get to stores.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Currently closed and home delivery / mail order services are also suspended until further notice. Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are currently closed but their Web Store is still active. Check their website for more information –
Store closed but mail order available. Check their website for more information –
https://www.goshlondon.com and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Currently closed and mail order services are also suspended until further notice. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Store closed but mail order available. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
All stores are currently closed but their Web Store is still active. Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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