The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death
A meager offering of books this week but I seem to be liking books with very long titles as this weeks pick of the week is Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death. Also out this week are the latest X of Swords crossover books I’m reading X-Men and Excalibur. In Meanwhile… we take a look at some more comic related news stories.
Now on with the comics…
Title: Tales From The Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death
Issue: 2
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Written by Shaun Simon & Gerard Way : Art by I.N.J. Culbard : Cover by Gabriel Ba
- Genres: Action/Adventure/Superhero
When Klaus channels the ghost of a renowned actor at a Hollywood party, his retired paramour realizes he might be exactly what she needs to regain the limelight—and gives him a taste of real magic. Meanwhile, the vampire-chimp drug-lord takes a red-eye to Hollywood to search for the Umbrella-brat who stole his stash . . . Seance gets his own miniseries!
This series is a great way to explore in more detail the core members of the Umbrella Academy. Starting with Klaus is inspired as he was the breakout character in the TV show. Whilst it’s weird to see someone other than Gabriel Ba drawing these characters, I.N.J. Culbard is doing a great job of craving out his own take on the series. If you’re new to the comics after getting hooked on the Netflix show then this is a great place to start.
Title: Excalibur
Issue: 13
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Tini Howard : Art by R. B. Silva : Cover by Mahmud A. Asrar
Genres: SuperheroFrom the Publisher: -
X OF SWORDS PART 9. Opposition. Despair. The dark night of the soul.
I’m slightly behind on my mutant reading list so I can’t tell you anything about what’s happening in this series. It’s nice to see Brian and his sister on the cover but I’m not a huge fan of this new costume – hopefully it’s only for this crossover but I makes Brian look really young. If you’re a fan of either the X-Men or Excalibur I’m sure you’re already picking these books up.
Title: X-Men
Issue: 13
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Jonathan Hickman : Art by Mahmud A. Asrar : Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
- Genres: Superhero
- From the Publisher:
X OF SWORDS PART 10. Lessons. Longing. What has begun cannot be undone.
Yeah, yeah. I’ve not caught up with this book either, didn’t you just read what I typed above? Looks like Apocalypse is taking the whole sword theme to heart and is making sure he has the biggest ones. I may binge this series soon which might be the best way to read this crossover.
Stainless Steel Rat Gets Collected
When the law finally catches up with “Slippery” Jim DiGriz, the charming con-man is given a choice – join up or get sent down!
Rebellion is pleased to announce a new collection of The Stainless Steel Rat, 2000 AD’s comic book adaptation of Harry Harrison’s acclaimed classic pulp sci-fi novels.
Out of print for almost a decade, the new collection will include the three adaptations written by Kelvin Gosnell and illustrated by Carlos Ezquerra between 1979 and 1985, and – for the first time – will feature the colour centre spreads as they originally appeared in 2000 AD.
The gorgeous 208-page paperback collection will retail at £24.99 and hit shelves and digital on 19 August 2021.
A limited hardcover ‘Deluxe Edition’ will also be available to pre-order exclusively from the 2000 AD webshop in the new year.
Catch Me if You Can meets Star Wars, this landmark comic space opera series was a major hit in the early days of 2000 AD, its success helped in no small part by the extraordinary energy and humour of Ezquerra’s artwork, with the Spanish artist basing DiGriz’s likeness on the legendary actor James Coburn.
Originally created by Harrison in 1961, DiGriz is a guileful rogue who claims he turned to crime as a deliberate act of rebellion against the regimented and dull authoritarian society around him. Despite being an accomplished thief and master of disguise, DiGriz is caught by the ruthless elite law-enforcement agency known as the Special Corps. Discovering that all the Corps’ top agents are reformed criminals, DiGriz is given a simple choice – join up or spend your life in jail!
Never quite able to suppress his urge for lawbreaking, DiGriz escapes from the Corps before meeting and falling in love with the psychotic Angelina – another master criminal, although she is a lot more murderous than the laid-back DiGriz!
The stories included in this collection:
- ‘The Stainless Steel Rat’ (2000 AD Progs 140–151, 1979-1980)
- ‘The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World’ (2000 AD Progs 166–177, 1980)
- ‘The Stainless Steel Rat for President’ (2000 AD Progs 393–404, 1984-1985)
First Look at WOFTWT #3
BOOM! Studios has revealed a first look at We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #3, a new sci-fi epic from Al Ewing and Simone Di Meo, with color assistance by Mariasara Miotti and letters by AndWorld Design, about one man’s unrelenting quest throughout space to discover the truth—no matter where it takes him. Available in stores November 11, 2020.
Captain Malik and the crew of the Vihaan II are trapped in warp space, as they’re pursued by the mysterious government agent Richter. They have two choices – drop out of warp speed and risk being destroyed by Richter, or stay in warp until their engines explode from overheating. Who will survive long enough to discover a living God?
We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #3 features main cover art by series artist Simone Di Meo with variant covers by artists Toni Infante and Jeff Dekal.
Save Hellblazer
I’d like to remind everyone how magnificent this series is and how we shouldn’t allow DC to cancel it with issue 12. Sign the #SaveHellblazer petition here – Persuade DC Comics to continue the John Constantine: Hellblazer series
I hope that recent events depicted in Justice League Dark don’t have any bearing on this situation.
Your Local Comics Shops
Comic shops are open but things will be quite different for a while yet. Until things settle down I’ll continue to keep this section as a list of comic stores around the UK you can support.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them to pre-order titles, new collections or back issues from them and arrange either to collect or have your comics mailed out to you.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Stores reopened 15th June 2020 – please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are now open. Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
OK Comics is now open. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Page 45 reopened this week. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Travelling Man has opened its doors again . Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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