The Geeky Brummie Pull List with X-Ray Robot.
Hello and welcome to a very unusual Pull List. A lot has changed over the last week thanks to COVID-19 and now we all seem to be living in a real life comic book story. I’m not sure how I’ll be presenting my Pull List as the weeks go by especially as Diamond Comic Distribution have announced this week that they will no longer be suppling print copies of comics to stores (source: https://www.diamondcomics.com/Home/1/1/3/597?articleID=241552 ).
It’s now more than ever that our local comic book stores need our support. Whilst the desire to get your weekly comic fix may get you considering a move to digital I would urge you to resist and see how you can still get your books from an real life store. Whilst many comic shops have had to close their doors to customers, some are still able to offer curb-side collection or mail order, so please contact your local store and ask how you can help them through these difficult times.
My local store is Worlds Apart Birmingham and whilst they aren’t able to deal with mail order at the moment I’m hoping that I will be able to receive and pay for my comics as soon as possible. You can keep up to date with what they are doing via their social media on Twitter (@WorldsApart_Bir) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/WorldsApartBirmingham)
If you do have a regular order that you’ve not been able to collect for a while perhaps you could contact your store and offer to pay online for those books now.
We must ‘Assemble’ in order to support these store in any way we can.
Anyway these are the comics you might be able to get hold of this week if your lucky including my comic of the week X-Ray Robot #1 from Dark Horse Comics which was on my list for this week but somehow arrived in stores last week. Also out this week is Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler #1 from Marvel Comics which teams new X-Scribe Jonathan Hickman with the legendary Alan Davis. Plus we have a comic that everyone should be reading in these troubling times John Constantine: Hellblazer #5 from DC Comics.
Also on the Pull List for this week are comics from BOOM! Studios, IDW, Berger Books, Black Crown, Young Animal, Wonder Comics and Marvel – so there should be enough for you to be reading whilst in you keep your social distance.
Title: X-Ray Robot
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Issue No.: 1
Creative Team: Michael Allred – Writer, Artist & Cover Artist : Laura Allred – Colorist
This book had been on my wish list ever since it was announced and somehow I managed to miss the fact that the release date was brought forward a week. I love Michael Allred’s work and have done for many years (please go an find his Madman series it’s brilliant) so I’m looking forward to reading this. I’ve no idea what to expect between its pages but I will be looking out for the classic album inspired variant covers that are being released.
From the Publisher:
“Max is a family man seeking a more interesting life. While conducting a new experiment at work, the fabric of his reality is torn before his eyes, and a robotic figure appears, claiming to be his 277-year-old self. The robot is able to “X-Ray” multiple dimensions and battles a nihilistic entity from another dimension who wants to take all life to its “Pre-Big Bang” status. Max and the robot embark on an interdimensional roadtrip through past and future to take down the “Nihilist” and save the universe!
– Mike Allred’s new bizarre superhero character X-Ray Robot!“
Title: Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Issue No.: 1
Creative Team: Jonathan Hickman – Writer : Alan Davis – Artist & Cover Artist
From the Publisher:
“HICKMAN AND DAVIS HAUNT THE XAVIER SCHOOL! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman teams with legendary artist Alan Davis (X-MEN, EXCALIBUR, AVENGERS) for an eerie tale of adventure! When the X-Men lose contact with the Greymalkin Habitat, it falls to Nightcrawler to lead a mission into the unknown!“
Title: John Constantine: Hellblazer
Publisher: DC Black Label
Issue No.: 5
Creative Team: Simon Spurrier – Writer : Matías Bergara – Artist : John Paul Leon – Cover Artist
This book can do no wrong in my eyes. Simon Spurrier is proving himself to be the writer to bring John back to where he belongs. Matías Bergara is doing great work on art as is Aaron Campbell and I seriously urge you to pick up this book as soon as you can.
From the Publisher:
“John Constantine has just been named the One True Magelord of All England. Please pray for England.“
My Pulls
In the rest of my pull this week we have –

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