The Geeky Brummie Pull List with You Look Like Death: Tales from The Umbrella Academy
Some new comics hit stores today and my pick of the week is the first Umbrella Academy spin-off which focuses on the breakout star of the TV show, Klaus in You Look Like Death. This week also sees the return of the fantastic Head Lopper. I’ve also rounded up a few other comics you may like and you can see preview pages from those on our Twitter feed today. The Meanwhile section also continues this week with more comics related news.
Now on with the comics…
Title: Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death
Issue: 1
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
- Written by Shaun Simon and Gerard Way : Art by I.N.J. Culbard : Cover by Gabriel Ba
Genres: Action/Adventure/Superhero -
Gerard Way! Shaun Simon! Gabriel Ba! The first Umbrella Academy spin off series! When 18-year-old Seance gets himself kicked out of the Umbrella Academy, and his allowance discontinued by Hargreeves, he takes to a place where his ghoulish talents will be appreciated—Hollywood. After a magical high on a vampire-drug-lord’s stash, Klaus needs help, and doesn’t have his siblings there to save him. Seance gets his own miniseries! From Gerard Way and Shaun Simon of the True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys!
I really enjoyed the recent second season of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix. So have many others and it’s pretty obvious that Klaus was a character that many people loved. Now Dark Horse Comics are releasing the first spin-off from the main Umbrella Academy series which will focus on earlier days of Klaus’ time at the school. I.N.J. Culbard, who you may know from his work in 2000AD, takes over art duties from Gabriel Ba and it’ll be interesting to see these characters rendered by someone new. If you’ve not yet explored the comic version of the Umbrella Academy this is probably not the best place to start, read the Apocalypse Suite and Dallas first, but if you’re a long time fan time me I can’t recommend this enough.
Title: Head Lopper
Issue: 13
Publisher: Image Comics
- Written and Illustrated by Andrew MacLean
Genres: FantasyFrom the Publisher: -
The hit quarterly fantasy comic is back with another big, action-packed arc of extra-length issues! Evil forces continue to hunt Norgal and Agatha as they begin their quest for the fabled Mulgrid’s Stair.
The first two arcs of Head Lopper were great fun, so I’m really looking forward to return of the titular character and the lovely fluid and expressive art of Andrew MacLean. If you’ve not read any Head Lopper before it may be best to grab the first two collections before diving in to this new series, but you really should be adding this great comic to your pull list, just be warned you have to wait a few months between issues as this is a quarterly title.
Other comics to look out for this week –
A To Dredd
The first ever comprehensive and definitive encyclopedia of the worlds of the legendary comic book, 2000 AD, is launching in the pages of the Judge Dredd Megazine today.
The 2000 AD Encyclopedia will, for the first time, bring together synopses and details of every series published in the weekly anthology and its sister comic, the Judge Dredd Megazine.
Written by writer and journalist Scott Montgomery, this expansive new project that will be serialised in regular instalments over the next year.
Included as supplements with the Megazine, the 2000 AD Encyclopedia promises to become the go-to resource for the hundreds of creations that have appeared in the Galaxy’s Greatest Comics over the past four decades.
The first instalment, covering A to B from Mike Carey and Andy Clarke’s punky urban SF series TH1RT3EN, from 2002, to John Wagner and Arthur Ranson’s gritty 90s’ anti-hero Button Man, is published with Judge Dredd Megazine #424, which is on sale from Wednesday 16 September.
The Judge Dredd Megazine is available in print from all good comic book shops and newsagents, as well as in digital from the 2000 AD app on Apple, Android, and Windows 10 devices, and DRM-free digital direct from 2000AD.com.
The whole series will be collected into a single volume for publication in early 2022, as part of the celebrations around 2000 AD’s 45th anniversary.
Matt Smith, editor of 2000 AD, said: “As 2000 AD approaches its 45th anniversary, the comic’s assembled a formidable stable of characters and stories over the past four and a half decades. For anyone not equipped with a vast Betelgeusian brain, it may be intimidating trying to keep track of them all – but no more! The 2000 AD Encyclopedia is your new go-to resource for all the strips that have appeared in both the Prog and Meg, with a comprehensive rundown of creators, notable series, and where the stories have been collected for handy access. No Squaxx dek Thargo should be without it!”
Scott Montgomery said: “Having been a 2000 AD reader since the age of nine in 1981, I was delighted to accept when Matt (Smith, Tharg the Mighty’s earthly 2000 AD editor droid) offered me the chance to write the 2000 AD Encyclopedia. This is a huge honour and the timing was perfect; coming right at the start of lockdown in March. I can’t think of a better way to ‘work from home’ – engrossed in the minutiae of nearly 45 years-worth of the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic and also celebrating 30 years of the Galaxy’s Greatest Spin-Off – Judge Dredd Megazine. Encompassing major and minor characters, classic stories like Flesh from the earliest issue – through to future masterpieces like The Out in 2020 – I hope that fellow 2000 AD fans will enjoy this informative guide to the thrill-archive and beyond!”
Rebellion’s Head of Publishing Ben Smith said, “2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine have made a profound cultural impact in the past half-century. Much of today’s global popular culture would be unrecognisable without the work of the artists and writers who have contributed to these ground-breaking comics. Their influence can be felt across generations of not just UK talent but internationally as the waves that this comic started ripple out through film, music, television, literature and beyond. Only now will the towering achievement of decades of stories, characters and prophetic visions be brought together and laid out for everyone to lose themselves in, finding much-loved favourites, hidden treasures and some shocking creations with each turn of the page.”
About Scott Montgomery:
Since 1994 Scott Montgomery’s professional writing has encompassed journalism, comic scripts, prose fiction and radio comedy.
He worked on the editorial teams of the Dandy and then Commando comics for publisher DC Thomson & Co. Ltd from 2004 till 2016. The Long, Big Kiss Goodbye – an original crime novella, was published by Telos in March 2007. He has scripted The Broons and Oor Wullie comic strips for the Sunday Post newspaper. His written work has appeared in publications such as the Beano, Thunderbirds Are Go, Starburst, Doctor Who Magazine, The People’s Friend, My Weekly, Sunday Mail, The List and many others.
He is currently writing the official 2000 AD Encyclopedia, serialised in Judge Dredd Megazine – which will be collected in book form in early 2022. Previous 2000 AD/Megazine work has included writing the history of Rogue Trooper in 1996, updated in 2006; and compiling The Dredd Files, a detailed, monthly journey through the early years of the Judge Dredd strip, published in the Megazine in 2007.
Comic Dune
With excitement growing after the trailer for the new film adaptation of DUNE dropped last week BOOM! Studios have released a first look at Dune: House Atreides #1, which will hit shelves on October 21, 2020. Written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, with art by Dev Pramanik and colourist Alex Guimarães, this twelve issue series looks a must for fans of the sci-fi classic.
Set in the years leading up the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Dune—which inspired the upcoming feature film from Legendary Pictures— Dune: House Atreides transports readers to the far future on the desert planet Arrakis where Pardot Kynes seeks its ecological secrets in remote, desolate regions of the alien world.
Meanwhile, a violent coup is planned by Shaddam Corrino, the son of Emperor Elrood; far away, an eight-year-old slave Duncan Idaho seeks to escape his cruel masters; and a young man named Leto Atreides begins a fateful journey. These unlikely souls are drawn together first as renegades and then as something more, as they discover their true fate – to change the very shape of history!
First Look Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious 2
The multi format Doctor Who epic, Time Lord Victorious continues in the second issue of the comic book by Jody Houser, Roberta Ingranata. Check out this first look at pages from the book which hits shelves in October.
The Tenth Doctor awakes in a timeline that is not his own, finding himself pursued, impossibly, by the entire Dalek Empire. Even more impossibly, the Daleks are losing a battle with a race who ceased to exist long ago. The Dalek Emperor needs help, and there’s only one person in the universe more terrifying than Daleks – but can the Doctor ever trust the Dalek Emperor, and be willing to save his Empire?
The Emperor of the Daleks! It has been a while…
The Tenth Doctor
Save Hellblazer
With a Tom King Hellblazer book hitting stores today I’d like to remind everyone how magnificent the current ongoing series is and how we shouldn’t allow DC to cancel it with issue 12. Sign the #SaveHellblazer petition here – Persuade DC Comics to continue the John Constantine: Hellblazer series
Your Local Comics Shops
Comic shops are open but things will be quite different for a while yet. Until things settle down I’ll continue to keep this section as a list of comic stores around the UK you can support.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them to pre-order titles, new collections or back issues from them and arrange either to collect or have your comics mailed out to you.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Stores reopened 15th June 2020 – please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are now open. Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
OK Comics is now open. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Page 45 reopened this week. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Travelling Man has opened its doors again . Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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