The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Eight Billion Genies
It’s a Pull List to wish for this week. Firstly, we have the latest issue of Eight Billion Genies, from Image Comics which is our Comic of the Week. Then, we have three other books on the Pull List this week, all from Marvel. Next, we have another three great comics to look out for On The Radar from DC and Image Comics and newcomer Opus Comics.
Finally, MEANWHILE… will be taking a break for a few weeks. But don’t worry it will return.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com.
Now on with the comics…

Eight Billions Genies
Issue 2
Image Comics
Writer – Charles Soule
Artist – Ryan Browne
Buy on Comixology – Eight Billion Genies #2 (Link)
EIGHT BILLION GENIES have appeared on earth with one wish for everyone on the planet. We’ve seen the first eight seconds after the genies arrived, and the first eight minutes-now brace yourself for the first eight hours, when many insane and foolish and wonderful wishes are made, and our heroes (a group of lovely people stuck in a dive bar in Detroit) try to survive the growing wishpocalypse!
This is a brilliant concept. What would happen if everyone in the world was given one wish. The first issue set up this very idea in a marvellously delightful way, with all the twisted results you would expect. We are following a group trapped in a bar, unaffected by the wishpocalypse going on outside. How will they cope and wha kind of a world we await them if and when they leave. Soule and Browne are firing on all cylinders here and I love this as much as Cursed Words already. Don’t miss it.

Fantastic Four
Issue 44
Marvel Comics
Writer – Dan Slott
Artist – Rachael Stott
Colourist – Jesus Aburtov
Letterer – Joe Caramagna
Buy on Comixology – Fantastic Four #44 (Link)
THE RECKONING WAR HEATS UP IN THIS OVERSIZED ISSUE! This is the final battle of the Reckoning War. At the Apex of the All Reality, the fate of the Marvel Universe will be decided. And no matter who wins, nothing will ever be the same again. This is not hyperbole. This is happening. There will be consequences. If you care about the Fantastic Four, their extended family and the rest of the Marvel U…you will not want to miss this. Starring Reed, Sue, Ben, Johnny, Nick Fury, Victor Von Doom, Norrin Radd, Uatu and Jennifer Walters.
So, I guess the Reckoning War ends here. As these events seem to happen out of sync with the rest of the Marvel line, I’m not sure what the real impact will be, but I’ve enjoyed the grand scale conflict we have witnessed. Great to see She-Hulk and Jack of Hearts again, and I hope they keep popping up in the lives of the FF. Not sure if I’ll keep picking this book up now this story has ended but if Rachael Stott sticks around I will too.

New Fantastic Four: Marvel Tales
Issue 1
Marvel Comics
Writer – Walt Simonson
Artists – Arthur Adams, Gracine Tanaka and Art Thibert
Buy on Comixology – New Fantastic Four: Marvel Tales #1 (Link)
Spider-Man, Wolverine, Ghost Rider and the Hulk unite as we celebrate the legacy of the House of Ideas with MARVEL TALES! This anthology series shines a spotlight on fan-favorite characters, features timeless stories and highlights some of Marvel’s most impressive talent from the past eight decades. And creative duos don’t get much better than Walter Simonson and Arthur Adams, who ushered the World’s Greatest Comics Magazine to surprising new heights in FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #347-349! When the Fantastic Four fall, the Invisible Woman summons a blockbuster quartet to seek vengeance. But as this hastily assembled team heads to Monster Isle to tackle the Mole Man and his rampaging behemoths, they soon learn that there’s more going on than meets the eye. Can the “New Fantastic Four” unravel the mystery and identify their real enemy in time to save the day?
I’m picking with one up ahead of the new series launching next week. This is just reprints of the stories this line-up first appeared. I used to own the original issues and the art by Art Adams is absolutely incredible. Looking forward to revisiting this one.

X-Men: Red
Issue 3
Marvel Comics
Writer – Al Ewing
Artist – Stefano Caselli
Colourist – Federico Blee
Letterer – Ariana Maher
Buy on Comixology – X-Men: Red #3 (Link)
POWER GRAB! TARN THE UNCARING waged war and torture on Arakko for centuries. He’s the most hated being on Mars…and he sits on their ruling council. ABIGAIL BRAND has a plan to remedy that—and reap the rewards. So does ROBERTO DA COSTA. But only one of them can win…and Tarn’s going to make at least one mutant pay the price for it!
Nice to see this title continue some of the threads sown in Ewing’s previous X-title S.W.O.R.D. I’m curious to see what Abigail Brand is planning and the inevitable confrontation with Storm, who is really shining as a character here. The current line-up of x-books is really strong and with creative teams like this one onboard I’ll keep picking them up.

On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Jurassic League #2
DC Comics
Writer – Daniel Warren Johnson
Artist – Juan Gedeon
Colourist – Mike Spicer
Letterer – Ferran Delgado
Buy on Comixology – Jurassic League #2 (Link)
Brontozarro has invaded Supersaur’s home village, and now the super-powered sauropod must defend his home and the humans who have raised him since his arrival on Earth. But will he be strong enough to defeat this strange foe, or will he need the help of Wonderdon and Bat Walker, who are both converging on his location? A whole new Trinity assembles for the first time in this adventure that will need to be seen to be believed!

Do A Powerbomb! #1
Image Comics
Writer, Artist, Letterer – Daniel Warren Johnson
Colourist – Mike Spicer
Buy on Comixology – Do A Powerbomb! #1 (Link)
Lona Steelrose who wants to be a pro wrestler, but lives in the shadow of her mother’s success before her. But everything changes when a wrestling-obsessed necromancer asks Lona to join the grandest—and the most dangerous—pro wrestling tournament of all time!

Bill and Ted: Role The Dice #1
Opus Comics
Writers – James Asmus and John Barber
Artists – Andrew Currie and Wayne Nichols
Buy from Forbidden Planet – Bill and Ted: Roll The Dice #1 (Link)
The time-traveling duo are back in a monthly series of most excellent adventures! Go to Hell with Bill and Ted as they must save their souls with saving rolls! Old friend Joan of Arc, Aleister Crowley, Niccolò Paganini, and… Doctor Feelgood round out the party taking on the Game Master… Satan, himself! Plus, the Secret Origin of Chuck De Nomolos!

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the League of Comic Geeks website and app.
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