The Geeky Brummie Pull List with I Hate This Place
It’s an absolutely massive Pull List to this week. Firstly, we have the latest issue of I Hate This Place, from Image Comics which is our Comic of the Week. Then, we have an incredible TEN other books on the Pull List this week, from Marvel, Image and BOOM! Studios. Next, we have another five great comics to look out for On The Radar from Image Comics, DC Black Label and Fantagraphic Books.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com.
Now on with the comics…

I Hate This Place
Issue 2
Image Comics
Writer – Kyle Starks
Artist – Artyom Topilin
Colourist -Lee Loughridge
Buy on Comixology – I Hate This Place #2 (Link)
Gabby and Trudy are trapped. It’s literally Hell on Earth. But the true monsters may not be who they seem…
The first issue was a blast, setting up this series nicely. Gabby and Trudy are a great couple and they aren’t here to mess around. If you’re a fan of creepy houses and mysteries then this is the book for you. I love it and you should definitely pick it up.

The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue 4
Marvel Comics
Writer – Zeb Wells
Artists – John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
Colourist – Marcio Menyz
Letterer – Joe Caramagna
Buy on Comixology – The Amazing Spider-Man #4 (Link)
After what just happened with Tombstone, Spider-Man still has to fight a whole well-armed gang to save dozens of innocent New Yorkers. With his spider-powers, he can probably take ten or fifteen of them, right? What if there’s thirty of them? ASM #900 is almost here!
This story is building nicely and all the creators clearly love the character. It’s all paving the way for what should be a truly amazing anniversary issue.

Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines
Issue 6
Image Comics
Writer – Kurt Busiek
Artist, Cover Artist – Carlos Pacheco
Inker – Jose Villarrubia
Colourist – Rafael Fonteriz
Letters – Comicraft’s Tyler Smith and Jimmy Betancourt
Buy on Comixology – Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #6 (Link)
While under attack by skitterjacks, Fletcher learns some secrets behind his flight magic that Aero Corps has been keeping from him. But it may all be for naught when he and Guy discover the true identity of the Blood Emperor.
With all the recent take about great legacy sequels, people should really appreciate how good this book has been. This is the final issue of this arc but I hope we won’t have to wait as long for the next instalment. If you love alternate history, magic and folklore, then this book is just for you.

Immortal X-Men
Issue 3
Marvel Comics
Writer – Kieron Gillen
Artist – Lucas Werneck
Colourist – David Curiel
Letterer – Clayton Cowles
Buy on Comixology – Immortal X-Men #3 (Link)
THE DESTINY OF X! Over one hundred years ago, Irene Adler wrote twelve books. A sequel is long overdue.
The focus shifts to Destiny this issue. As a pre-cog she has seen it all, but after resurrection, is the future ever going to be the same. This is a great little book, that pushes the boundaries of the the X-Men world. It’s nice to have a strong line-up of mutant titles right now.

Issue 12
Marvel Comics
Writer – Gerry Duggan
Artist – Pepe Larraz
Colourist – Marte Gracia
Letterer – Clayton Cowles
Buy on Comixology – X-Men #12 (Link)
THE GRAND CLIMAX! On the eve of the Hellfire Gala, threats have closed in on the X-Men from all sides. The secret machinations of Doctor Stasis, the terror of Gameworld, even the threat of the X-Men’s own secrets getting out…it’s all led to this!
This issue ties up all the current story threads for the X-Men before we plunge in to Judgement Day. It’s been a pretty good run but I feel like it’s all going to reset again after the next big event.

Knights of X
Issue 3
Marvel Comics
Writer – Tini Howard
Artist – Bob Quinn
Colourist – Erick Arciniega
Letterer – Ariana Maher
Buy on Comixology – Knights of X #3 (Link)
THE FALL OF THE KNIGHTS OF X! Gambit and his team gain a momentary victory over the Furies in Crooked Market, but as the group is hit by another wave of attacks by Merlyn’s army, Rachel Summer’s connection with Captain Britain is severed before she can call in reinforcements. In Sevalith, the Captain and her team face off against blood thirsty vampires as they seek out a lethal potential ally. Their quest required ten knights to begin, but no one said anything about the end. A knight dies here—and the hateful quest goes on.
Here are our knights, off doing their thing in Otherworld. I’m enjoying seeing elements of older Captain Britain stories pop up in this tale. With only five issue to wrap up this tale, things are sure to move quickly, and with the Furies involved I can’t see all the knights making it to the end.

New Fantastic Four
Issue 1
Marvel Comics
Writer – Peter David
Artist – Alan Robinson
Colourist – Mike Spicer
Buy on Comixology – New Fantastic Four #1 (Link)
SPIDER-MAN! GHOST RIDER! WOLVERINE! HULK! When these unlikely heroes first banded together to become the NEW FANTASTIC FOUR, they made Marvel history. Now this fan-favorite team returns in an all-new adventure written by Peter David! Set shortly after the events of the group’s first appearance, brace yourself for a wild ride and guest stars aplenty—including the original FF. Plus, a series of mystery villains that you’ll never see coming!
After last weeks flashback – here we are with new adventures for the New Fantastic Four. As this is set in the past I’m hoping to see some glorious mayhem. This should be a lot of fun.

New Mutants
Issue 26
Marvel Comics
Writer – Vita Ayala
Artist – Rod Reis
Letterer – Travis Lanham
Buy on Comixology – New Mutants #26 (Link)
WHILE THE QUEEN IS AWAY, DEMONS WILL PLAY! A new queen has taken the throne of Limbo—Madelyne Pryor, A.K.A. the Goblin Queen! Meanwhile, separated from Limbo, Magik faces an enemy she thought she had banished long ago.
Kinda my favourite mutant book right now. This series just keeps doing great things. Ayala and Reis are a perfect team and this really does remind me of those glorious original series days. This is probably the book I would recommend most to new mutant readers. It’s really great stuff.

Radiant Red
Issue 4
Image Comics
Writer – Cherish Chen
Artist – David Lafuente
Colourist – Miquel Muerto
Letterer – Diego Sanches
Buy on Comixology – Radiant Red #4 (Link)
The job should be easy. Get in, get the payload, get out. But the job is never easy-and with her personal life on the brink of disaster and her new partner watching her every move, it’s going to take everything Satomi has to get through it in one piece.
The penultimate issue of the series. This has been a great title, which really does double down on the struggle of normal life vs superhero life. The art of course is top-notch. I must dip my toe in to the wider Radiant universe and if this is anything to go by, I’m in for a treat.

Silver Surfer: Rebirth
Issue 5
Marvel Comics
Writer – Ron Marz
Artists – Ron Lim and Don Ho
Colourist – Israel Silva
Letterer – Joe Sabino
Buy on Comixology – Silver Surfer: Rebirth #5 (Link)
THE BIG FINALE! Silver Surfer and Thanos must stop Tyrant from using the full power of the Reality Gem! But will Surfer be able to resist his own temptation to use the Gem? And does that mean a world where the Silver Surfer never existed?!
You can understand why Nightcrawler is such a fan favourite character when he is handled so eloquently by writers as good as Spurrier. This series will have certainly rewarded readers of Way of X, and may have confused new readers, but have faith as I’m sure this book will build into one of the better mutant titles in the Destiny of X line.

We Only Find Them When They’re Dead
Issue 11
BOOM! Studios
Writer – Al Ewing
Artist – Simone Di Meo
Buy on Comixology – We Only Find Them When They’re Dead #11 (Link)
Flash-forward 50 years to the third and final arc of this epic sci-fi series! With an (almost) entirely new cast, it’s the perfect place for new readers to jump on for the stunning finale.
It began with questioning the gods. It finally ends here… once again… at the edge of the universe.
The lines between humanity and the divine blur even further as we hurtle towards the conclusion of this Eisner-nominated interstellar series from acclaimed writer Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk) and artist Simone Di Meo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers).
This is a book filled with huge, hard sci-fi concepts. The scope of the series is truly epic and sometimes that can feel a little cold, but the compelling story and gorgeous art, keeps tugging at you, and you have to know what it all means. If you’re a fan of Asimov and Clarke, then this is a book you should definitely check out.

On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

The Silver Coin #11
Image Comics
Writer – James Tynion IV
Artist – Michael Walsh
Buy on Comixology – The Silver Coin #11 (Link)
In 1978, a firefighter finds a strange silver coin in the charred ruins of a nightclub. He quickly learns exactly what he can use it to do. What happens when a dark mind harnesses the coin’s power and unleashes it on those who least expect it? Find out in this chapter of THE SILVER COIN.

Fables #152
DC Black Label
Writer – Bill Willingham
Artist – Mark Buckingham
Buy on Comixology – Fables #152 (Link)
One of the most famous Fables of all might be restored to her former glory, but it’s not going to come without a cost. The benefactor behind her magical resurrection has also come to collect from Geppetto, who we learn has a few strings of his own. Is this godlike being really the one behind the rise of the Empire? And why only now have they returned with a vengeance?

Red Room: Trigger Warnings #4
Fantagraphic Books
Writer and Artist – Ed Piskor
Mr. NFT is the Banksy of Red Rooms. Billing himself as the “human taxidermist.” his exhibitions command the attention of the richest and most exclusive patrons on the dark web. Problem is, it’s all an elaborate sting operation, and several of those snared are amongst the powerful in the world and will do anything to avoid exposure. Red Room wraps up its second “season” with its most shocking issue yet! From the creator of Hop Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design!

Beware The Eye of Odin #1
Image Comics
Writer – Doug Wagner
Artist – Tim Odland
Colourist – Michelle Madsen
Buy on Comixology – Beware The Eye of Odin #1 (Link)
When a Viking prince finds the Eye of Odin, he must return it to its rightful owner or face a death of boils and decay. By his side are a one-armed warrior past his prime and a female warrior convinced she’s a Valkyrie. Monstrous mayhem ensues.
VINYL and PLASTIC creator DOUG WAGNER returns with artist TIM ODLAND and colorist MICHELLE MADSEN to bring you a tale of Vikings, Trolls, Frost Giants, and Valkyries.

Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel To Be Kin #2
Image Comics
Writer and Artist – Geof Darrow
Colourist – Dave Stewart
Letterer – Nate Piekos
Buy on Comixology – Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel To Be Kin #2 (Link)
The Shaolin Cowboy finds out if Colts and Kung Fu will guarantee him herd immunity when a flock of new enemies are trying to put him and his newborn charge on the endangered species list!!!!!
A pandemic of action spread out over 29 pages because THIS IS THE SCU!!!!

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
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