The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Step by Bloody Step
Some great titles in this weeks Pull List. Having missed out last time around, the new issue of Step By Bloody Step from Image Comics takes the top spot. The X-Cellent and Silver Surfer: Rebirth, both from Marvel, make up the rest of my list. We also have four great comics to look out for On The Radar also from Image Comics and Marvel. In MEANWHILE… we take a look at the epic new Apex Mike McMahon collection and the Dread: Dredd TTRPG.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com.
Now on with the comics…

Step By Bloody Step
Issue 2
Image Comics
Writer – Simon Spurrier
Artist, Cover Artist – Matias Bergara
Colourist – Mat Lopes
Buy on Comixology – Step by Bloody Step #2
Spring turns to summer; the child grows rebellious; the savage walk goes on.
But all roads lead to civilization. And all civilizations lead to war.
Sadly, last time around this title missed out on the top spot. I’ve corrected that now after a spectacular first issue. Telling a story mostly in silence with the only dialogue in a language we can’t understand can’t be easy, but this book knocked it out of the park. The art is phenomenal and conveys the story in beautiful panels and layouts. That first issue really drew us into the plight of the lead characters as without words, we feel as lost and clueless as she is. I hope this book maintains the high standard set by the first issue and I’m onboard for the long haul. This book shows you just how versatile a medium comics can be and you should definitely add it to your pull list.

The X-Cellent
Issue 2
Marvel Comics
Writer – Peter Milligan
Artist, Cover Artist – Michael Allred
Colourist, Cover Artist – Laura Allred
Letterer – Nate Piekos
Buy on Comixology – The X-Cellent #2
There is discourse among the X-CELLENT members! And as their quest for fame continues, a spot has just opened up on the team. But will this addition to the group lead them to superstardom? Let’s hope their followers think so.
Yes, issue one was excellent. It’s great to have the old X-Statix gang back for more mayhem. Side stepping the whole Krakoa age, at least for the time being, this is a straight up continuation of the X-Statix story. In a world where social media rules and news is driven by public opinion, The X-Cellent is more relevant than ever. I need to see more of my boy Doop, but so far this book is everything I wanted it to be. If you aren’t currently reading any other mutant books then this really is the one you should.

Silver Surfer: Rebirth
Issue 2
Marvel Comics
Writer – Ron Marz
Penciller, Cover Artist – Ron Lim
Inker, Cover Artist – Don Ho
Colorist, Cover Artist – Israel Silva
Letterer- Joe Sabino
Buy on Comixology – Silver Surfer: Rebirth #3
The Silver Surfer has stumbled into a reality with a blast from the past. Master and servant are reunited, and it’s not going to be a happy one.
If you were a fan of the various Infinity stories back in the day, then this is the book for you. Grand, cosmic and unashamedly retro (I still can’t believe the 90s is now retro), this book is just a blast. The big selling point for me is the inclusion of The Jack of Hearts, who now sees to be everywhere, after years in the cosmic wilderness. It big, brash and a whole lot of fun, so maybe give it a go.

On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Immortal X-Men #1
Marvel Comics
Writer – Kieron Gillen
Artist, Variant Cover Artist – Lucas Werneck
Colourist – David Curiel
Letterer, Designer – Clayton Cowles
Buy on Comixology – Immortal X-Men #1
IN THE QUIET COUNCIL, NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM! The Quiet Council rules the Krakoan age, for better… or worse. Now, shaken by INFERNO and X LIVES OF WOLVERINE / X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE they strive to hold together, no matter how much they want to tear each other apart. Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, ETERNALS, The Wicked + The Divine, Die) returns to the world of X with artist Lucas Werneck (X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO) to bring us all into the room where it happens. “It” being “the most powerful people on Earth deciding the fate of the whole planet.” Prepare for sinister secrets to be revealed and learn that some secrets are more sinister than others…

Hulk: Grand Design – Monster #1
Marvel Comics
Writer, Artist, Cover Artist – Jim Rugg
Buy on Comixology – Hulk: Grand Design – Monster #1
The acclaimed Grand Design franchise continues! Writer/artist Jim Rugg follows in the tradition of Ed Piskor and Tom Scioli by unfurling the full saga of THE INCREDIBLE HULK, from the very beginning to the present! Witness the biggest moments in the Hulk’s history through the eyes of a single visionary storyteller!

Astro City: That Was Then… Special
Image Comics
Writer – Kurt Busiek
Artists – Alex Sinclair and Brent Anderson
Cover Artist – Alex Ross
Buy on Comixology – Astro City: That Was Then… Special
ASTRO CITY returns with an all-new special! Who were the Jayhawks? How did they inspire five teen sidekicks looking for answers to hit the road in a rickety crime mobile in 1969? And how will this affect Astro City in the present? This one-shot special features new and existing heroes and launches a mystery that will drive the forthcoming ASTRO CITY series. And don’t miss the ASTRO CITY METROBOOK, collecting the first three years of the acclaimed series!

X-Men Unlimited: Latitude #1
Marvel Comics
Story, Writer – Jonathan Hickman
Story, Artist, Cover Artist- Declan Shalvey
Letterer – Joe Sabino
Designer – Annie Cheng
Buy on Comixology – X-Men Unlimited #1
WOLVERINE JUMPS INTO THE VOID! When A.I.M. manages a covert infiltration of the S.W.O.R.D. station and kidnaps three mutants, it’s up to Wolverine to take one giant leap for man and get them back. From the vacuum of space to the dripping guts of an evil supercomputer, Logan will stop at nothing to save his friends. Collecting the first four chapters of the hit MARVEL INFINITY COMIC by Head of X Jonathan Hickman and superstar artist Declan Shalvey for the first time in print!

Apex McMahon

The Judge Dredd work of a master artist, presented at original size in a gorgeous hardcover – the Judge Dredd by Mick McMahon Apex Edition is available to pre-order now!
Due for release at the end of October 2022, this unmissable over-sized book features high-resolution scans of original Judge Dredd artwork by one of 2000 AD‘s biggest talents, presented in a deluxe, over-sized facsimile edition that reproduces McMahon’s stunning art at its actual size.
As well as a standard hardcover edition, fans can order a special slipcase edition exclusively through the 2000 AD webshop. It comes in an attractive slipcase and with an extra bound page – individually numbered and signed by McMahon – with brand new art created exclusively for this edition.

Webshop pre-orders for the slipcase edition will close at 12pm BST on Friday 1 June. Webshop pre-orders for the standard edition will close on 12pm BST Friday 2 September. The standard edition will also be available to pre-order from comic book stores through Diamond Distribution’s Previews magazine.
From the first published Judge Dredd story to his iconic work on serials such as ‘The Cursed Earth’ and ‘The Judge Child’, McMahon’s constantly evolving style has helped make him one of the greatest Dredd artists of all time. Famed for his ‘big boots’ design and vivid imagination, McMahon’s work helped define Dredd’s world and won him legions of fans.
From his dynamic early work influenced by Dredd co-creator Carlos Ezquerra to his later utterly unique style, this Apex Edition showcases the evolution of his career in unprecedented detail and demonstrates how McMahon came to influence generations of comic book artists.

Simply The Best
Complete stories such as ‘Judge Whitey’, ‘Frankenstein II’, ‘The Wreath Murders’, and ‘Dream Palace’ are published alongside pages from ‘The Cursed Earth’, ‘The Day the Law Died’, ‘The Judge Child’, and ‘The Fink’. As well as his brush and pen work, the reproduced pages include many of their original titles and word balloons, as well as printer’s marks and other ephemera, giving fans the chance to see these pages in all their glory.
The standard edition is available to pre-order from the 2000 AD webshop and will also be available for comic book stores to order through Diamond Distribution’s Previews magazine this summer. The limited edition slipcase is available to order only through the 2000 AD webshop.
This collection follows the successful Judge Dredd by Brian Bolland Apex Edition, which is being published this year. Further volumes of original art by other 2000 AD artists are planned.
Please note: Rebellion reserves the right to control the numbers of books ordered by individual customers, with the intention to prevent bulk-purchases for private resale. This is to ensure that the largest number of fans can acquire the book direct.
Table Top Dredd
Can you beat Judge Dredd before the tower of liberty crumbles? Prepare to fight for democracy with the Dread: Dredd tabletop role-playing game!

A brand new version of the award-winning TTRPG game Dread will plunge you and your friends into a thrilling race against time in Mega-City One – with a unique game mechanic that will leave you on the edge of your seat!
Designed specifically for 2000 AD’s 45th anniversary by original Dread writer Epidiah Ravachol, Dread: Dredd brings the ENNIE award-winning game to the iconic world of 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd.
Written by Ravachol and produced by Rebellion Unplugged, this fantastic tabletop role-playing game for 4-6 players uses tottering towers of Jenga® blocks to create an exciting dynamic as democracy activists race to reveal dark secrets about the Judges before Justice Department catches up with them!
The game will receive its public debut as part of The Galaxy’s Greatest, the free online convention taking place 26-27 March and celebrating 45 years of 2000 AD. Gamesmaster and RPG designer Grant Howitt is joined by Judge Dredd and Immortal Hulk writer Al Ewing, Judge Dredd artist PJ Holden, and cartoonist, narrative designer, TTRPG maker and D20 Dames host Jen Vaughn.
Dread: Dredd will be available to pre-order as a downloadable PDF from the Rebellion Unpluggedonline shop from Sunday afternoon, with the game launching on Wednesday 30 March.
You Are The Law
Epidiah Ravachol said: “When I first met Dredd he was hidden on the “Mature Audiences Only” shelf at my local comic book store. Forbidden fruit for a young teen in the ‘80s! A Dredd setting for a Dread game has come up more times than I can count over the past couple decades. Never something official. Was never something beyond a little adventure for between friends. And never something I got around to doing. And then this hit, a now or never chance to score big in Mega City – the opportunity of a lifetime!
“There are games you toil over for years, and there are games that blast their way out of your head, unwilling to wait. It’s been a few decades, but I still feel like that little perp that slipped through old Joe’s icy grip. Exhilarating.”
Duncan Molloy from Rebellion Unplugged said: “We were delighted when Epidiah said he was interested in adapting Dread for our 45th anniversary. It’s such a unique game and the way it’s been adapted to Dredd’s world is brilliant. The playthrough by Grant, Al, PJ, and Jen as part of this weekend’s online convention is hilarious and well worth checking out, if only to see how fun this game is for 2000 AD fans and newbies alike!”
I’m Walter Try Me
As the iron fist of Justice Department tightens its grip on the people of Mega-City One, there stirs once again movement towards democracy. As pro-democracy agitators, now is the time to take a stand for self-governance!
Because now you have Walter, a former Justice Department droid and somewhat reluctant co-conspirator who has damaging information about the Judges. Information the public must hear. And you will deliver it to them, today, at the opening game of the first Aeroball season in decades.
All of Mega-City One will be watching. The Judges will be unable to pre-emptively shutdown the broadcast for fear of citywide riots. It is the perfect opportunity. Never has democracy stood a better chance.
Ready Player One
One player takes on the role of the Host, tasked with representing the mayhem and magnificence of Mega-City One and its inhabitants. The other players act as characters living in the shadow of the Statue of Judgement, doing whatever it takes to thrive and survive.
Of course, surviving isn’t always so easy. When the players are faced with difficult or dangerous actions, they must pull wooden blocks from a tower to discover whether they succeed. If the tower comes crashing down, their character dies. The stakes are high when you take on the Judges but there is some hope in your new character abilities, reflecting the city’s wide range of inhabitants.
Available for download from shop.2000AD.com from 30 March, the Dread: Dredd PDF will contain everything you need to run this standalone adventure – adapted Dread rules, pre-created character sheets, the Adventure booklet, and an Encounter list for the Host to refer to throughout the game. Just add a block tower and your gaming group and you’re good to go!

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
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