The Geeky Brummie Pull List with The Dreaming: Waking Hours
It’s a much quieter week on the Pull List after last weeks bonanza. The new latest instalment of The Dreaming: Waking Hours is our Comic of the Week, with the latest issues of X-Men, Ultraman and Skybound X making up the rest of the list. Two more new comics make it in to our On The Radar section, including the penultimate issue of The Immortal Hulk and the first issue of Mark Russell’s Not All Robots, and you should definitely check them out.
In Meanwhile… we take a look at the latest fabulous 2000AD Humble Bundle offering – which is so good you risk thrill-power overload.
If you want to send any comics or comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com. Now on with the comics…
Title: The Dreaming: Waking Hours
Issue: 12
Publisher: DC Black Label
Written by G. Willow Wilson : Art by Nick Robles : Coloured by Mat Lopes
The future of the realm of Faerie lands in Heather After’s hands-and Heather’s not exactly known for her sound judgment. But if she doesn’t use her power wisely, she could call down the wrath of the Dream Lord himself-and send her closest confidant, the escaped nightmare Ruin, back into eternal imprisonment…or far, far worse! Will Ruin be unmade before ever knowing the true love he condemned himself to mortality for? Perhaps he just gets what everybody gets-a lifetime. But it’s looking awfully short…
The Dreaming: Waking Hours continues to be an entertaining read. Wilson, Robles and Lopes have succeed in bringing the characters of The Sandman comic back in a way that is new and exciting but also pays homage to what came before. This book looks and reads like a dream (no pun intended) and if you’re a fan of previous Sandman comics, you really should be picking this one up.
Title: X-Men
Issue: 2
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Written by Gerry Duggan : Art by Pepe Larraz
ALWAYS BET ON X! As threats hurtle toward the Earth from all sides, the fearless X-Men fight a seemingly unstoppable wave of annihilation…but even more dangerous threats lurk in the darkness, ready to strike in secret.
After a great first issue, it’ll be interesting to see where Duggan and Larraz take this team next. Being based right in the centre of New York will have certainly sent a message to the likes of The Avengers and the Fantastic Four, but how will the rest of the world react. Will humanity real ever accept the mutants as heroes?
Title: Skybound X
Issue: 5
Publisher: Skybound/Image
Written by Robert Kirkman, Sean Mackiewicz and Kyle Starks : Art by Jason Howard, Ryan Ottley, Chris Schweizer and Niko Walter : Cover by David Finch
Wow, that was quick! Here we are at the fifth and final issue of this celebration of all things Skybound. I’ve enjoyed the anthology format and will certainly be keeping an eye out of the new characters who have debuted within these pages. Rick Grimes 2000 has been a blast and I like to see more of that. I’d like to see more publishers do more anthology titles and I hope this has been a success for Image and Skybound and it won’t be 10 years before we see something similar.
Title: Ultraman: The Trials of Ultraman
Issue: 5
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Written by Mat Groom and Kyle Higgins : Art by Francesco Manna : Cover by Arthur Adams
It’s man-made Kaiju vs. real-deal Kaiju vs. Ultraman — on a shifting battlefield of ice and fire, with thousands of lives at stake! When the smoke clears, will Ultraman be left standing? And if not, will it be because of the Kaiju battle… or the unexpected betrayal of a trusted friend?
I’ve enjoyed this second Ultraman series from Marvel more than the first. It’s zipped along quite nicely and filled out the world of Ultraman and the USP. I’ve not heard if the character will return for a third series but I hope Marvel will continue to bring these characters to western audiences. Maybe it’s time for a new Jet Jaguar comic?
On the radar this week some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:
The Immortal Hulk #49
Marvel Comics
Written by Al Ewing : Art by Joe Bennett : Cover by Alex Ross
This is the gate into the city of suffering. To the hurt that never ends. This gate is for the lost. The gate is a thing of divine power – a thing of forever. But even for the strongest one there is, it bears the warning: ABANDON HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE.
Not All Robots #1
AWA Studios – Upshot
Written by Mark Russell : Art by Mike Deodato Jr. : Coloured by Lee Loughridge : Cover by Rahzzah
In the year 2056, robots have replaced human beings in the workforce. An uneasy co-existence develops between the newly intelligent robots and the ten billion humans living on Earth. Every human family is assigned a robot upon whom they are completely reliant. What could possibly go wrong? Meet the Walters, a human family whose robot, Razorball, ominously spends his free time in the garage working on machines which they’re pretty sure are designed to kill them in this sci-fi satire from Mark Russell (The Flintstones, Second Coming) and Mike Deodato Jr. (The Amazing Spider-Man,The Resistance).
Be It Ever So Humble
Humble Bundle and 2000 AD have joined forces once again to bring you the very best in comic book storytelling for amazing prices – and the chance to raise money for charity!
The law is here, courtesy of 2000 AD, in the newest Humble Bundle – absolutely packed with everything Judge Dredd and related stories and settings, plus some all-time 2000 AD classics!
Judge Dredd – Perps, Punks & Partners runs from 26 July to 16 August – so be sure not to miss your opportunity to grab a fantastic selection of books for a steal (just don’t let Judge Dredd catch you, or it’ll be cube time for you perp).
Enjoy diving into comics like Zenith Book 1-4, Judge Death: My Name is Death, Dredd: Final Judgement, and Young Death. Plus, your purchase helps support Cancer Research UK and Save the Children UK!
With a Humble Bundle, you not only choose how much to pay, but also how your payment is divided between 2000 AD, the chosen charities, and Humble Bundle.
Last year’s 2000 AD-themed Humble Bundle raised £121,749, which was shared between the charities War Child and Special Effect.
Customers can pay just £0.79 or more for:
Judge Anderson: The Psi Files 01
Insurrection 1
Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
Mean Machine: Real Mean
Customers who pay £7.21 or more will also get:
The Simping Detective
Mega-City Undercover 1-3
Judge Dredd: Satan’s Island
Judge Dredd: Nobody Apes the Law
Judge Dredd: Chief Judges’ Man
Judge Anderson: The Psi Files 02-03
Insurrection 2
Hondo City Justice
Dredd: Urban Warfare
Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Dead Man
Cadet Anderson
Customers who pay £12.99 or more will secure the above, plus:
Young Death
Missionary Man
Judge Dredd: Total War
Judge Dredd: The Pit
Judge Dredd: The Carlos Ezquerra Collection
Judge Dredd: Origins
Judge Dredd: Mechanismo
Judge Dredd: Mandroid
Judge Dredd: Heavy Metal Dredd
Judge Dredd: Cape & Cowl Crimes
Judge Dredd: Brothers of the Blood
Judge Dredd: America
Judge Death: My Name is Death
Judge Anderson: The Psi Files 04-05
Hondo City Law
Dredd/Anderson Deep End
Dredd: Final Judgement
Customers who pay £18.04 or more will receive all of that plus:
Brass Sun
Brink Book 1-3
Counterfeit Girl
Defoe 1666
Halo Jones Book 1-3
Hope Book 1
Judge Dredd Case Files 01-05
Kingdom Book 1-4
Scarlet Traces Book 1
Shakara Book 1
2000 AD’s Greatest: Celebrating 40 Years
Absalom Book 1-3
Age of the Wolf
Bec & Kawl
Sláine: Book of Invasions 1
Sláine: Warrior’s Dawn
Zenith Book 1-4
Zombo Book 1-2
You can find this amazing offer here – Judge Dredd – Perps, Punks & Partners
About Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle sells games, ebooks, software, and other digital content through pay-what-you-want bundle promotions, the Humble Store, and the Humble Choice curated subscription service. When buying a bundle, customers not only choose how much to pay, but also how their payment is divided between the content creators, charity, and Humble Bundle. Purchases from the Humble Store and subscriptions to Humble Choice also help support charity. In 2017, Humble Bundle announced the launch of a multi-platform funding and creative initiative to publish games “Presented by Humble Bundle.” Since the company’s launch in 2010, Humble Bundle and its community have raised more than $198 million for a wide range of charities across the world. To see more, visit https://www.humblebundle.com.
Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. When visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the Hypedrive app – download for iOS here.
Or use the awesome League of Comics Geeks website – leagueofcomicgeeks.com
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