Year 4 – Issue 21 of The Geeky Brummie Podcast!
We’re back for the first issue of 2021, and Ryan, Keith, Leigh & Mat go all digital! Leigh plays Crash Bandicoot, Keith has a digital detox, Mat watches Asian Netflix and Ryan breaks the mechanics of Cyberpunk 2077.
Year 4 – Issue 20 of The Geeky Brummie Podcast!
This issue Ryan, Keith, Leigh and Mat look at a couple of each of their highlights of 2020. Plus Mat plays Warhammer 40k, Leigh makes videos, Keith watches sharks, and Ryan gets angry at bad Christmas movies.
The GB Pull List – 2000AD 23rd September 2020
Our picks of the new comics out this week are the latest jumping on issue of 2000AD and the first part of X of Swords. In this weeks Meanwhile… WandaVision, Marvel Halloween Cover, Warhammer Comics and #SaveHellblazer.
Gaming Roundup – A Fragmentary Passage
This week on the Gaming Roundup, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill and a bunch of wholesome games, plus all the latest releases!