The Geeky Brummie Pull List with 2000AD Prog 2200
It’s a very quiet week for comics on my Pull List this week with only two books of note. This first book on the list is 2000AD Prog 2200, a jumping on issue for the legendary British anthology. Next up is the first part of the X of Swords epic taking place across the X-Men range of titles. In Meanwhile… we take a look at some more comic related news stories.
Now on with the comics…
Title: 2000AD
Issue: 2200
Publisher: Rebellion
- Written by Various : Art by Various : Cover by Tim Napper
- Genres: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
Don’t delay, jump on board today – 2000 AD Prog 2200 is the perfect jumping on issue for the greatest comic in the galaxy!Twice a year the legendary weekly anthology makes it easier than ever for new and lapsed readers to jump on board, the ideal way to step onto the Thrill-train that is 2000 AD!2000 AD Prog 2200 is on sale 23 September with new stories beginning that make it easy to pick up the best comics the galaxy has to offer.Rob Williams (Suicide Squad), Arthur Wyatt (Dredd movie tie-in), and Boo Cook (Elephantmen) follow up on this summer’s mega-event, ‘End of Days’, with Judge Dredd: Carry The Nine, where the Judge Dredd strip continues its long tradition of reflecting current events by seeing a simple solution to the problem of crime in Mega-City One… The longest-running series for 2000 AD from Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy) – Sinister Dexter – continues with a shocking turn of events. They’ve worked together – on and off – for 25 years, but could the partnership of mercenary gun sharks Finnigan Sinister and Ramone Dexter be coming to an end … with a blast?
After the shocking surprise at the end of ‘The Thru’Penny Opera’ back in 2014, Ian Edginton and D’Israeli’s Stickleback returns with the story of how the genius detective Sherlock Holmes transformed himself into the kingpin of crime in Victorian London. Time has not diminished the impact of Matt “D’Israeli” Brooker’s distinctive style on this steampunk series with a twist. Welcome back, Stickleback – London needs you!
And forget Jaws – Hook-Jaw is the real terror from the deep (and the sequels are way better). Escaping from the pages of the controversial Action!, this pelagic predator is now chomping his way through the pages of its spiritual successor! A great new series for old comic and horror fans alike!
2000 AD Prog 2200 will be available in print from newsagents, comic book stores, and 2000 AD’s webshop, and digitally from 2000 AD’s webshop and apps from 23 September 2020.
The full line-up of 2000 AD Prog 2200:
- Cover: Tim Napper
- Judge Dredd: Carry the Nine by Rob Williams & Arthur Wyatt (w) Boo Cook (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
- Future Shocks: Omnidetectorists by Rory McConville (w) Joel Carpenter (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
- Hook-Jaw by Alec Worley (a) Leigh Gallagher (a) Simon Bowland (l)
- Sinister Dexter: Ghostlands by Dan Abnett (w) Nicolo Assirelli (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
- Skip Tracer: Hyperballad by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
- Stickleback: New Jerusalem by Ian Edginton (w) D’Israeli (a) Jim Campbell (l)
2000AD has been firing on all cylinders recently with some truly outstanding stories. The quarterly Regened issues have also been doing great work introducing younger readers to the wonders of Britains longest running sci-fi comic. This latest issue is another of the semi-regular issues that allow new readers to jump on – featuring the first parts of new stories from a range of creators. Of particular note in this issue is the return of fan favourites Hook-Jaw (imagine Jaws but scarier and more horrific), Sinister Dexter by the hugely under appreciated Dan Abnett and Stickleback by the dynamic duo of Edginton and D’Israeli. If you’re a lapsed reader or have never picked up a Prog before then this is the perfect issue to keep those thrill-suckers away.
Title: X of Swords: Creation
Issue: 1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard : Art by Pepe Larraz
Genres: FantasyFrom the Publisher: -
A tower. A mission. A gathering of armies.
Since Jonathan Hickman took over the X titles there have been some interesting developments in the world of our favourite merry mutants. Now after a year of deaths, resurrections and surprises the X-Men are embarking on their first multi-title crossover – X of Swords. As this appears to heavily feature the Braddock family I’m intrigued as where this story will go and how it will affect the state of Captain Britain. Whilst it is a 22 part story that takes place in stand-alone issues and every one of the main X titles, I’m hoping I can keep track of what’s going on just by reading the titles I currently have on my pull list. Let’s see how this all pans out over the coming weeks.
House of M(ouse)
During the 2020 Emmys this weekend Disney+ premiered the trailer for the Scarlet Witch and Vision show entitled WandaVision. The trailer shows us more of the sitcom inspired setting whilst throwing up a whole host of new questions. Is the Vision still dead? Is Kathryn Hahn playing Agatha Harkness? Is this a version of the House of M storyline from the comics? And what role will Monica Rambeau play in proceedings? It all looks pretty great and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with these wonderful characters.
The show is due to hit the Disney+ streaming service later in the year.
They also revealed a lovely poster promoting the show, check it out below.
Halloween Covers
With Halloween fast approaching Marvel Comics has unveiled a collection of retro-themed horror comic variant covers. These are really lovely looking and will hopefully make their way to comic shelves here in the UK.
See your favorite Marvel characters like you’ve never seen them before as Spider-Man, the Avengers, and Captain America live out nightmarish visions just in time for Halloween. You now can see these chilling creations by artists Aaron Kuder, Javier Rodríguez, and Mirka Andolfo in their complete trade dress, paying homage to classic horror serials of the past!
Check out previews of a few of the covers below:
Warhammer Comics
Also due in stores in October is Marvel Comics first foray in to the world of the Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000: Marneus Calgar. To mark the occasion Marvel have released a cinematic trailer for the comic written by Kieron Gillen with art by Jacen Burrows. I have to admit that this does look pretty spectacular and is definitely going on the pull list.
Save Hellblazer
With the collected edition of the first six issues hitting stores early next week, I’d like to remind everyone how magnificent this series is and how we shouldn’t allow DC to cancel it with issue 12. Sign the #SaveHellblazer petition here – Persuade DC Comics to continue the John Constantine: Hellblazer series
Your Local Comics Shops
Comic shops are open but things will be quite different for a while yet. Until things settle down I’ll continue to keep this section as a list of comic stores around the UK you can support.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them. Contact them to pre-order titles, new collections or back issues from them and arrange either to collect or have your comics mailed out to you.
Here are a few of the great comic shops in the UK so get in touch and see how you can order comics and continue to support their stores –
Stores reopened 15th June 2020 – please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
All stores are now open. Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
OK Comics is now open. Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Page 45 reopened this week. Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Travelling Man has opened its doors again . Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the Hypedrive app – download for iOS here.
Or use the awesome League of Comics Geeks website – leagueofcomicgeeks.com
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