An embalmed hand grants a group of teens the ability to talk to the dead, and allow them some temporary possession in return for an addictive high. But when one of the séances lasts a little too long, the dead start to overstay their welcome.
The GB Pull List – John Constantine: Hellblazer 25th November 2020
A busier week this week with the final issue of John Constantine: Hellblazer. We also have three new X of Swords book in X-Men, Excalibur and XoS: Destruction plus X-Ray Robot and a brand new Power Pack book. In this weeks Meanwhile… we take a look at some great new stuff from 2000AD publisher Rebellion.
The GB Pull List – 2000AD 23rd September 2020
Our picks of the new comics out this week are the latest jumping on issue of 2000AD and the first part of X of Swords. In this weeks Meanwhile… WandaVision, Marvel Halloween Cover, Warhammer Comics and #SaveHellblazer.
The GB Pull List – John Constantine: Hellblazer 29th July 2020
Time for the latest Pull List. Our picks this week are John Constantine: Hellblazer and Cable. In this weeks Meanwhile… we have the best of the comic panels from San Diego Comic Con @ Home.
Excalibur #NCBD 30th October 2019
It’s New Comic Book Day so here are Geeky Brummie’s picks for the comics that will be available today from your local comic book store including Excalibur and The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer.