The Geeky Brummie Pull List with John Constantine: Hellblazer
A busier but sad week for comics this week. Today sees the release of the final issue of John Constantine: Hellblazer and of course it is my comic of the week. This week also sees the release of the final three new X of Swords books in X-Men, Excalibur and Destruction. We have a new Power Pack series and X-Ray Robot hits issue 4.
In Meanwhile… we take a look at some more comic related news stories.
Now on with the comics…
Title: John Constantine: Hellblazer
Issue: 12
Publisher: DC Black Label
- Written by Simon Spurrier : Art by Aaron Campbell : Coloured by Jordie Bellaire : Cover by John Paul Leon
Genres: Superhero/Horror
From the Publisher:
John Constantine faces his final reckoning with the older version of himself who’s been seeding magical chaos all around England, while the lives of all his friends hang in the balance…and that is not a good situation for John Constantine’s friends. Can the evil in John’s heart ever be contained? Or will it reach out and destroy the one life he would give anything not to corrupt?
So this is it. This is the end. I do so hate goodbyes. Ever since the one-shot that brought John Constantine into the Sandman Universe, something felt so right. Simon Spurrier has given us a comic series that has achieved something great. This is Watchmen level comics. The original DC, then Vertigo series of Hellblazer books were some of the best comics ever published and were very, very British. This worked perfectly for the character. When John was dragged back into the wider DC Universe he lost most of his bite and whilst he made some great appearances here and there, he was never quite the same. This series has put John back where he belongs. He is back in Britain, fighting horrors that seem all too real. It is a real shame that this series isn’t going to continue. John is a character that in the right hands can do so much. He is so much more relatable than dark knights or sons of Krypton. Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell, Mathias Bergara and Jordie Bellaire have crafted a comic that transcends the medium. No, that’s not right – it defines the medium. It shows you the power of comics. It shows you the power of stories. It shows you why, as humans, telling stories is what defines us. It shows us the wider world and both the horror and the beauty it contains. Farewell John. I’ll miss you but I’m sure our paths will cross again.
Title: X-Men
Issue: 15
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Jonathan Hickman : Art by Mahmud A. Asrar : Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
Genres: Superhero
From the Publisher:
A great division. Bitter victories. Bitterer hearts.
Title: Excalibur
Issue: 15
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Tini Howard : Art by Mahmud A. Asrar
Genres: Superhero
From the Publisher:
A game abandoned, but a great gamble remains. A Tower answers.
Title: X of Swords: Destruction
Issue: 1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Jonathan Hickman & Tini Howard : Art by Pepe Larraz
Genres: Superhero
From the Publisher:
The wheel of fortune turns. The unfortunate fall. A sword against the darkness.
This week brings us the X issues that wrap up the X of Swords story. It seems a lot has been happening to the various characters but as the blurb for the Destruction one-shot tells us the story continues in Hellions I don’t think it’s over just yet. I’m about to begin by binge read of the issues I collect and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.
Title: Power Pack
Issue: 1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Written by Ryan North : Art by Nico Leon
Genres: Superhero
From the Publisher:
Power Pack is back! Katie, Julie, Jack and Alex Power have been super-heroing since they were learning to tie their own shoes. It?s been ages since they fought side by side as a family, but a special occasion ? and an old grudge ? is about to put the gang back together. There?s just one teeny tiny hiccup: a brand?new law restricting underage super heroes! But surely, if the fate of all New York City is at stake, the powers that be will make an exception? Keep your fingers crossed as the Power siblings fight for their right to save the world!
I was a big fan of Louise Simonson and artist June Brigman’s series in the 80s. There was something about this family that was sweet but also tackled some of the most pressing problems we were facing in that decade. One of my favourite parts of the series was the sentient spaceship Friday. The characters have popped up here and there in recent years slowly rebuilding their popularity and this new series is tied to the ongoing ‘Outlaw’ storyline that included Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Champions, and a new New Warriors limited series. This series is set to run for 5 issues but I hope we get to see more of the reunited Powers family.
Title: X-Ray Robot
Issue: 4
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
- Written by Mike Allred : Art by Mike Allred : Colored by Laura Allred
Genres: Action/Adventure/Science Fiction/Superhero
From the Publisher:
After an incredible trip through infinite universes, super scientist Max Wilding stumbles upon hidden truths and a climactic battle with consequences that ripple through dimensions . . . and time itself.
This has been a fun series. The dimension hopping has allowed Allred to draw some excellent pages. This is the last issue of series and it has a lot of loose ends to tie up with the fate of the multiverse at stake. I hope it’s not long before we see more from the mind of Mike Allred in comics as he really knows how to tell an enjoyable tale.
Regened Regened
Rebellion is delighted to announce that the all-ages 2000 AD Regened will be back in 2021 – with four more mind-bending issues!
The all-ages issues continue to be among the best-selling issues of 2000 AD of the year and Rebellion is looking to build on their success with another quartet of bumper all-ages issues.
Drawing on four decades of genre-defining characters while encouraging new readers to pick up the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic, 2000 AD Regened has something for everyone. These 48-page issues, retailing at £4.99 for print and £3.99 for digital, feature new takes on some of 2000 AD’s biggest characters, as well as brand new series.
2021 will see the return of hit new series Pandora Perfect by Roger Langridge (The Muppet Show/Bill and Ted Are Doomed) and Brett Parson (Tank Girl), and the Judge Dredd-world series Department K by Rory McConville (Judge Dredd) and PJ Holden (Judge Dredd).
Plus there’ll be even more new stories making their debut, such as Action Pact by Michael Carroll (Judge Dredd) and Luke Horsman (Cadet Dredd), and Lowborn High by David Barnett (Gideon Smith series) and Philip Bond (Kill Your Boyfriend, Tank Girl)
The first Regened issue of 2020 will be 2000 AD Prog 2220 – a bumper special issue with a roster of complete stories, on sale from newsagents, comic book stores, and online on 24 February 2021.
The subsequent Regened issues will be 2000 AD Prog 2233 on 26 May, 2000 AD Prog 2246 on 25 August, and 2000 AD Prog 2256 on 3 November.
2000 AD editor Matt Smith said: “It’s been fantastic to see that the amazing response to 2000 AD Regened has continued in 2020 as we increased it to four issues a year. Both sales and reader feedback have shown us there’s a real appetite for Regened and that’s been reflected in the enthusiasm for new series that have debuted in Regened, such as Full Tilt Boogie by Alex de Campi and Eduardo Ocaña – which spun off into its own series – and Pandora Perfect and Department K. There’s lots more to come from Regened in 2021 – we can’t wait to explore strange new worlds with readers of all ages!”
All the Regened issues will be included in new and existing subscriptions from 2000 AD, and will be available from all good comic book stores and newsagents in the UK and Ireland. Outside the UK and Ireland, it is available to order through comic book stores via Diamond Distribution. It is also available digitally from the 2000AD.com webshop and the 2000 AD apps for Apple, Android, and Windows 10 devices.
The 2000 AD Regened schedule for 2021:
- Prog 2220 – 24 February
- Prog 2233 – 26 May
- Prog 2246 – 25 August
- Prog 2256 – 3 November
Art by Nick Roche. Colour by Gary Caldwell.
Uncoloured art by Luke Horsman for ‘Action Pact’
Charley’s War Print
One of the greatest comics of all time and a moving tribute to the power of comic book art – a stunning replica screen print of a page from the groundbreaking Charley’s War is now available to order.
From the archives of the Treasury of British Comics, the world’s largest archive of English-language comics, Rebellion Unplugged is proud to present this limited edition screen print of art by the legendary artist Joe Colquhoun from Charley’s War episode #230.
This beautiful print is available on both paper for £75 and Bristol Board for £100 from the 2000 AD and Treasury of British Comics webshops.
This scale replica is taken from new high-resolution scans of Colquhoun’s breath-taking original art. Five layers of hand-pressed screen printing captures the creative process of the original page, through pencils, inks, hand lettering, and art fixes, to produce an artefact that is faithful both to its creator’s vision and to the lost art of making comic books.
This limited edition screen print is hand-numbered, and printed on archival quality acid-free Somerset satin 410gsm white paper, with a variant edition of 25 copies printed on artists’ Bristol Board to match the original. It reproduces the artwork in its original size of 400*470mm.
Originally printed in Battle Picture Weekly in August 1979 the page opens the strip’s dramatic portrayal of the blitz on London, and showcases Colquhoun’s incredible linework and storytelling.
Written by British comics legend Pat Mills and illustrated by Colquhoun, Charley’s War tells the story of underage British soldier called Charley Bourne, who enlists at the outbreak of World War One and goes on to experience the horror of the trenches and witness the brutal treatment ordinary soldiers received to serve the selfish interests of those in power.
Considered by many to be the greatest war comic of all time, and this new print is a testament to the extraordinary and under-appreciated talent of the artist who brought it to life.
About Rebellion Unplugged:
Rebellion Unplugged is the tabletop game and collectibles division of Rebellion – one of Europe’s largest independent creative studios. It oversees development of tabletop projects for Rebellion’s wide range of intellectual properties, from the sci-fi universes of Judge Dredd and Evil Genius, to the war stories of Sniper Elite and Charley’s War.
Save Hellblazer
The final issue is here so I’d like to remind everyone how magnificent this series is and how we shouldn’t allow DC to cancel it with issue 12. Sign the #SaveHellblazer petition here – Persuade DC Comics to continue the John Constantine: Hellblazer series
Please go out and buy the trade of the first six issue and grab the next one as soon as it’s available.
Your Local Comics Shops
Hopefully this is the last week comic shops will be closed during lockdown 2.0. Use this list of comic stores around the UK to see who you can support and find out what mail order and click and collect services they will be offering.
So let your local comic shop know you are here for them.
Please check with store for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Store is now open again. Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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