The Geeky Brummie Pull List with John Constantine, Hellblazer
This week, our Pull List once again features 10 new comics. Our Comic of the Week title is John Constantine, Hellblazer from DC Comics Black Label. The other 5 comic on the main pull list come from BOOM! Studios, DC Comics, IDW Publishing and Marvel Comics. Our On The Radar selection includes 4 new comics from DC Comics, Oni Press and Marvel Comics. In MEANWHILE… we say farewell to Paul Neary.
If you want to send any comics or details of any comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com or comics@geekybrummie.com
Now on with the comics…

John Constantine, Helblazer: Dead in America
Issue 2
DC Comics Black Label
Script – Simon Spurrier
Art – Aaron Campbell
Colours – Jordie Bellaire
Letters – Aditya Bidikar
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #2 (Link)
GUEST-STARRING SWAMP THING! With the specter of mortality breathing down his neck, John heads to the Big Easy, where he enlists the skills of old friend Clarice Sackville to heal the fractured mind of Alec Holland, the Swamp Thing, and use that elemental power to kickstart his own dead heart. Perhaps she can do that—but it will require a drug-induced journey into distant realms that’ll shake John to his rotten core. And meanwhile, Nat and Noah learn the magical lengths Clarice is willing to go to in order to extend her own terrifyingly long life…
This title didn’t disappoint. Having kept his oar in the world of moody mages with Ellie Hawthorne and Damn Them All, Spurrier has slipped back in to John’s trench coat effortlessly. Campbell’s art is as amazing as it was on the initial run, and totally captures the otherworldly essence of John’s journey. Thankfully, the sharp satirical edge to Spurriers tale, has no fear of taking on American politics and is as scathing of the world of MAGA is it was the world of post-Brexit Britain. John’s heart may need a kick start but this book has hit ground running and doesn’t look like slowing down. I’m also looking forward to Spurrier’s take on Swamp Thing. This is what a Vertigo book should be like and DC should resurrect that brand right now.

Animal Pound
Issue 2
BOOM! Studios
Script – Tom King
Art – Peter Gross
Colours – Tamra Bonvillain
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Animal Pound #2 (Link)
The groundbreaking graphic storytelling event series continues as the animals find themselves faced with a new challenge: freedom.
With food supplies dwindling, the animals must decide quickly how best to organize their burgeoning society and make decisions as a group… or risk losing everything.
Eisner Award-winning writer Tom King (The Human Target, Love Everlasting) and New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-nominated artist Peter Gross (American Jesus, The Books of Magic) continue their collaboration on a series that critics are already calling a classic in the making.
Animal Farm is one of my favourite books and this book successfully spins it off in a new direction. It’s sad that the themes of the original novel are still relevant today, but King is writing the heck out of this book, and I’m loving the text heavy nature of the story. Gross’s art is full of emotion and enhances the storytelling, making every page a visual treat. If you enjoyed the first issue, and want to follow how the animals’ fight for autonomy will play out, this book remains a compelling read.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong
Issue 5
DC Comics
Script – Brian Buccellato
Art – Christian Duce
Colours – Luis Guerrero
Letters – Jimmy Betancourt
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Justice League vs. Godzilla vs.Kong #5 (Link)
THE CATACLYSMIC CROSSOVER BETWEEN THE DC UNIVERSE AND LEGENDARY’S MONSTERVERSE CONTINUES! The Justice League have regrouped after their initial losses and discover nefarious plans by the Legion of Doom AND the League of Assassins are underway to use the Monsters for their evil purposes. As Lois Lane uncovers truths about the monster’s identities, the League also learns of a beacon that’s drawing all the creatures to one location…the final battle to save Earth is about to begin!
Heroes, villains and kaiju collide in this fun book. This merging of the DC Universe and Legendary’s Monsterverse continues to be a bucket of fun and whilst it might seem a silly concept, the creative team have done a great job making it work and staying true to the essence of all the characters, whether human or monster.

Star Trek
Issue 17
IDW Publishing
Script – Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Art – Marcus To
Colours – Lee Loughridge
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Star Trek #17 (Link)
Galactic war is imminent in the penultimate issue of arc three of the Eisner-nominated Star Trek series.
With Federation, Romulan, and Cardassian forces all vying for leverage over the Tzenkethi war fleet, Captain Sisko is left with no choice but to request official assistance from Starfleet after he and his crew have fallen out of favor with the warmongering reptilian species. However, the proposed solution — and only option Starfleet is willing to approve — is questionable, with the potential of endangering not only the Theseus crew… but the galaxy at large.
Kelly and Lanzing ramp up the tension in this penultimate issue of their third story arc. Sisko and his crew must grapple with questions of sacrifice, loyalty, and the greater good. Starfleet may not always have the right answers to a situation and Theseus crew may be the only thing standing in the way of all out war. To’s art is outstanding whether capturing character moment or epic space battles. The whole Trek line at IDW is phenomenal right now and you should be reading them all.

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 2024
Issue 1
Marvel Comics
Script – Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Art – Kev Walker
Colours – Matt Hollingsworth
Letters – Cory Petit
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Guardians of the Galaxy Annual 2024 #1 (Link)
Groot has been on a journey for the past year, and all the growth and loss and heartache have been for this moment. Can the Guardians confront their pasts to ensure their family has a future? Grootfall comes to its triumphant conclusion!
After the regular comic ended it’s run with issue 10, this annual ties up the whole Grootfall saga. The Trek team of Kelly and Lanzing are on a roll with space based adventures, and I’m expecting plenty of revelations in this issue. I’m a huge fan of Walker’s art and his version of the team has been stunningly rendered. Who knows what the future hold for our heroes, but his bumper issue should hopefully bring our cosmic family full circle and set up a new and exciting next chapter.

Rise of the Powers of X
Issue 2
Marvel Comics
Script – Kieron Gillen
Art – R.B. Silva
Colours – David Curiel
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Rise of the Powers of X #2 (Link)
THE LAST HOPE—OUTSIDE OF REALITY! Outside time and space is mutantdom’s last hope. Floating between dimensions, hiding from a Dominion who wishes to crush them. Can Xavier and his crew survive? And when we find out their plan, will we want them to? The end of the Krakoan Age continues in this epic tale split in two!
The Krakoan Age nears its end with the Dominion looming large. Xavier and his X-Men must make their last stand, but as we know the whole X line of books changes in a few months, the outcome of this conflict may not go how we expect.

On the Radar, these are comics I’ve not got on my physical Pull List, but are books I’ll pick up digitally or in trades:

Wonder Woman #6
DC Comics
Script – Tom King
Art – Daniel Sampere
Colours – Tomeu Morey
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Wonder Woman #6 (Link)
HER GREATEST FOES RETURN! Wonder Woman against her greatest foes! After thwarting each threat that the Sovereign has thrown at her, he decides to bring in the biggest guns the DCU has to offer. Let the battle royale begin! Plus, the Super Sons’ bedtime story goes wrong!

The Incredible Hulk #9
Marvel Comics
Script – Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Art – Danny Earls
Colours – Matt Wilson
Letters – Cory Petit
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – The Incredible Hulk #9 (Link)
HULK VERSUS THE ANGEL OF DEATH—FROZEN CHARLOTTE! Phillip Kennedy Johnson‘s latest spine-chilling tale brings Hulk into a supernatural town haunted by a serial killer…but she is no mere mortal killer, and Hulk will need the help of a supernatural detective in order to track her down!

Alien: Black, White and Blood #1
Marvel Comics
Script – Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly and Ryan Cady
Art – Michael Dowling, Marcelo Ferreira and Dev Pramanik
Colours – Chris Sotomayor and Pete Pantazis
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Alien: Black, White and Blood #1 (Link)
THE ALIEN UNIVERSE AS ONLY MARVEL COULD IMAGINE IT! Black, white, red—and GREEN! Marvel Comics and 20th Century Studios present a kill-fest of an anthology in chest-rending artistic detail! Superstars Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (CAPTAIN AMERICA: SENTINEL OF LIBERTY, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) and brilliant artist Michael Dowling (BLACK CAT, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) kick off a generations-spanning story that will continue through all four issues! Fan-favorite writer Ryan Cady explores the limits of compassion in “Maternal Instincts.” And rising stars Stephanie Phillips and Marcelo Ferreira bring you “The Hunt,” a tale of guts, glory and the most exhilarating of games…

Cemetery Kids Don’t Die #1
Oni Press
Script – Zac Thompson
Art – Daniel Irizarri
Colours – Brittany Peer
Letters – AndWorld Design
Buy digitally on Comixology/Kindle – Cemetery Kids Don’t Die #1 (Link)
Experience the exhilarating, terrifying adventure from critically acclaimed writer Zac Thompson (Hunt for Skinwalker, The Dregs) and blockbuster artist Daniel Irizarri (XINO, Judge Dredd)!
The 21st century sucks hard, but it’s made somewhat tolerable by the latest and greatest media innovations. Enter the Dreamwave: the first gaming console played entirely while you sleep. The obsession of millions around the globe, it’s also the one point of solace for four friends known as the “Cemetery Kids,” who spend their nights roaming the endless maps of the most brutal horror game ever created as they seek to dethrone the “King of Sleep”-the Dreamwave’s biggest, baddest, and most mysterious boss.
Which was fun . . . until one of them doesn’t wake up and finds their consciousness locked inside a horror game that is anything but imaginary. Now, the three remaining Cemetery Kids must navigate a forbidden landscape to rescue their friend-and pray that the secret lurking at its center doesn’t follow them home.
At the farthest edge of human perception-where science fiction and horror collide-experience 2024’s most exhilarating, terrifying adventure, downloading from critically acclaimed writer Zac Thompson (Hunt for the Skinwalker, The Dregs) and blockbuster artist Daniel Irizarri (XINO, Judge Dredd)!

Farewell Paul Neary
It was announced last week that award-winning comic artist, writer and editor Paul Neary, had passed away after a long illness.

Paul Neary was one of the names that I’ll forever associate with the Marvel UK comics I read as a kid. His work as both an editor and artist, working with characters like The Hulk and Captain America, but it was his work with Alan Moore and Alan Davis on Captain Britain, that left a lasting impression, and made me a fan for life. Neary’s work stretched from his early work in the 1970s on “Hunter” for Eerie, which was about a half-breed warrior who fights for survival on a weird, irradiated alternate Earth, through the pages of Doctor Who, 2000AD, Deaths Head II, Overkill, Motormouth, Excalibur, JLA, The Authority, The Ultimates and many, many more.
Paul Neary’s passing leaves a void in the hearts of fans and fellow creators alike. His dedication, talent, and passion for storytelling will continue to inspire generations of comic enthusiasts. As we bid farewell to this artistic luminary, we celebrate the worlds he conjured one panel at a time. Rest in peace, Paul Neary. Your inked lines will forever grace the pages of our imaginations. The whole Geeky Brummie team send their condolences to his family and friends.

RIP Paul Neary – 18 December 1949 – 10 February 2024

Your Local Comics Shops
Britain has some of the best comics shops in the world. This updated lists features just a few of the shops you can pop in to for your geek fix. Check out you own local shops and if they don’t appear on this list let me know and we can add them.
Birmingham’s premier comic book store and Pokestop.
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 09:30 – 17:00
Wednesday, Friday: 09:30 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 – 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
14-16 Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4EN Tel: 0121 643 0143
Website: Forbidden Planet International and Twitter: @WorldsApart_Bir

Graphic novel/comic store with merchandise & T-shirts, plus character figures & toys.
Monday to Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
74 Bull St, Birmingham B4 6AD Tel: 0121 236 3026
Website: Forbidden Planet and Twitter: @ForbiddenPlanet

A mean little comics shop in the heart of London.
Open Daily: 10:30 – 19.00
1 Berwick St, London W1F 0DR Tel: 0207 437 0187
Website: Gosh! Comics and Twitter: @GoshComics

Twenty Year Old, Eisner Award Nominated Comic Book Shop in the beating heart of Leeds City Centre, UK.
Open Monday to Saturday: 11.00 – 17.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 15.00
19 Thornton’s Arcade, Briggate, Leeds LS1 6LQ Tel: 0113 246 9366
Website: OK Comics and Twitter: @OKComics

UK Comic Shop created & curated since 1994 by Stephen Holland, Comics Laureate 2021-23.
Open Monday to Saturday: 09.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 16.00
Closed on Bank Holiday Mondays, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
9 Market St, Nottingham NG1 6HY Tel: (0115) 9508045
Website: Page 45 and Twitter: @PageFortyFive

Travelling Man Is The UK’s Friendliest Comic & Games Shop Since 1991. Shop Online Now! Explore The Rich Genres & Worlds That Games, Comics & Independent Press Have To Offer. Since 1991.
Open Monday to Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 -17.00
32 Central Road, Leeds LS1 6DE Tel: 0113 245 0822
74 Goodramgate, York YO1 7LF Tel: 01904628787
43 Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 5JE Tel: 0191 261 4993
4 Dale Street, Manchester M1 1JW Tel: 0161 237 1877
Website: Travelling Man and Twitter: @TravellingManUK

Mega City Comics, was established in 1981, initially as a mail-order business, supplying comics, graphic novels, and collecting supplies. After 6 years of mail-order and trading through the comic marts, we opened our shop in Camden Town in 1987.
Open Monday to Friday: 11.00 -18.00
Saturday: 10.30 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 18.00
18 Inverness Street, Camden Town, London NW1 7HJ Tel: 020 7485 9320
Website: Mega City Comics and Twitter: @MegaCityComics

A trio of comic shops in Bedford, Northampton and Peterborough.
20 Allhallows, Bedford MK40 1LJ Tel: 01234 270777
Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 17.30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
29 Abington Square, Northampton NN1 4AE Tel: 01604 602311
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 – 19.00
Thursday to Friday: 10:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
25 Broadway, Peterborough PE1 1SQ Tel: 01733 892827
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday: 10:30 – 17:30
Wednesday: 10:30 – 18:00
Thursday to Friday : 10:30 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: CLOSED
Website: Close Encounters and Twitter: @CEncountersUK

Retailers of new Comics weekly, Magic the Gathering Card Games, Board Games, Toys, T-Shirts plus loads more.
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00
Sunday: CLOSED
116 Friargate, Preston PR1 2EE Tel: 01772 204287
Website: That Comic Shop and Twitter: @ThatComicShop

Comic book shop in Dorset, dealing in graphic novels, statues, action figures, card games, limited edition comics and more
Monday: Closed
Open Tuesday to Friday: 10:30 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
19 High Street, Poole, Dorset BH15 1AB Tel: 01202 661346
Website: Paradox Comics and Twitter: @ParadoxComicsUK

Comic Book Shop in the centre of Wakefield. Stocking the latest comics direct from the US.
Open Monday: 9:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 9:00 – 16:30
Wednesday to Saturday: 9:00 – 17:00
Sunday: CLOSED
3 The Springs, Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 1PU Tel: 01924 375234
Website: Wakefield Comics 616 and Twitter: @wakeycomics616

Comic Book Guys – Northern Ireland’s newest independent comic book store also stocking movie memorabilia, toys & other collectibles… excelsior!
Open Monday to Saturday: 10.00 to 17.00
Sunday: CLOSED
130 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7BG Tel: 02890 080169
Website: Comic Book Guys and Twitter: @comicbookguysni

A welcoming and friendly comic book shop. Comics, toys, books, games and merchandise for all ages.
Open Monday to Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
26 Red Lion Street, Richmond TW9 1RW Tel: 0208 948 8476
Website: Raygun Comics and Twitter: @Raygun_comics

Dave’s Comics, The Graphic Novel Shop.
Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 – 18:00
Sunday: 11.00 – 17:00
5 Sydney St, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4EN Tel: 01273 691012
Website: Dave’s Comics and Twitter: @DavesComics

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Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the League of Comic Geeks website and app.
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