The Geeky Brummie Pull List with 2000AD Prog 2223
A few more comics are hitting stores this week but 2000AD manages to take the top spot again this week. Three other books round out the main Pull List with two from coming from Marvel and one from Image Comics. This week I have two more great books worth checking out in On The Radar – so do give them a try.
In Meanwhile… this week we meet Kane & Able and take a first look at the upcoming crossover between the lord of dreams and the Locke family.
Now on with the comics…
Title: 2000AD
Issue: 2223
Publisher: 2000AD/Rebellion
Written by Ken Niemand, Roger Langridge, Michael Carroll, Alec Worley & TC Eglinton : Art by P.J. Holden, Brendan McCarthy, Jake Lynch, Simon Davis, Pris Bampoh & Ben Willsher : Coloured by Len O’Grady, Quinton Winter & Jim Boswell: Letters by Simon Bowland, Jim Campbell & Annie Parkhouse
Genres: Fantasy/Supernatural/Action/Adventure/Science Fiction
From the Publisher:
Incredible SF action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology! A new Judge Dredd story starts and super-intelligent ape Noam Chimpsky is back investigating the fate of a much-loved figure in ‘Whatever Happened to Captain Cookies?’ by Ken Niemand and PJ Holden; plus we return to the folk-horror of Thistlebone in the follow-up ‘Poisoned Roots’ by TC Eglington and Simon Davis, and there’s more fantasy action in Feral & Foe by Dan Abnett and Richard Elson. In addition, there’s the thrilling finales to Slaine, Proteus Vex and Durham Red!
I’ve really been enjoying the prog recently. A very solid line up of strips some of which end this issue leaving the stage clear for some new stories to begin. And that is part of the appeal of the weekly dose of thrill-power. Durham Red ends with a set-up for trials to come, Proteus Rex leaves me wanting more as it’s conclusion leaves plenty of plot threads dangling, Tharg’s 3rillers: Nakka of the S.T.A.R.S continues to feel like a Edgar Wright movie idea and Thistlebone looks lovely and continues it slow build up. But the stand out strip is Judge Dredd. Sometimes a character is created that just takes on a life of their own and in Noam Chimpsky Niemand and Holden have created a character I have fallen in love with. Noam is just prefect and this issue has me worried that they are going to do something horrible to the little guy. I hope this isn’t the case as I want to see more from Noam and soon.
Title: S.W.O.R.D
Issue: 4
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Written by Al Ewing : Art by Valerio Schiti : Coloured by Marte Gracia : Letters by Ariana Maher
Genres: Superhero/Action/Adventure
From the Publisher:
KRAKOA, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! The mutants are dying. Their island is dying. Earth itself is dying. All hope for humanity as a species lies in Protocol V. Protocol V isn’t going to work.
Once again I’ve fallen behind with my X-books and S.W.O.R.D being part of the King in Black event has meant I’ve been slow catching up. As Al has form with managing the requirements of the individual book and wider crossover arc I’m sure things are going swimmingly for our space faring mutants. Although that synopsis seems to indicate that might not be the case. I’m looking forward to catching up with this book and it deserves a place on the pull list.
Title: Head Lopper
Issue: 15
Publisher: Image Comics
Written and illustrated by Andrew MacLean : Coloured by Jordie Bellaire
Genres: Fantasy/Action/Adventure
From the Publisher:
Assassins of the Dark Lord close in on our team of heroes as they blunder toward the second artifact, the Martan Keystone. Guarded by a monstrously huge spider, the Keystone won’t be easily got and requires much teamwork, which proves difficult when Norgal goes missing.
Always oversized. Always quarterly.
Head Lopper is just a joyful book to read. The three month wait between books is sometimes unbearable but the oversized issues always make up of the wait we have to endure. This latest arc continues to be epic with the wonderfully fluid art and heavy metal mentality of 80s sword and sorcery comics making it one of the best fantasy books on the shelves. Go grab a copy today.
Title: Ultraman: The Trials of Ultraman
Issue: 1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Written by Mat Groom & Kyle Higgins : Art by Gurihiru, Eduardo Ferigato & Francesco Manna : Cover by Arthur Adams
Genres: Action/Adventure/Superhero
From the Publisher:
Ultraman narrowly averted a catastrophe decades in the making. The world was saved – but, also, forever changed. Now…come the consequences.Much of the populace regard their defenders with suspicion. Enemies hide in plain sight, and even those closest to Shin Hayata don’t necessarily have faith in the Giant of Light. But at last, a long-thought-lost comrade has mysteriously returned! That’s a good thing…right? The RISE is over. The training wheels are off, and the stakes have never been higher. THE TRIALS OF ULTRAMAN begin here!
Whilst I enjoyed Marvel’s first foray into the world of Ultraman I was a little disappointed at the lack of epic kaiju action. Hopefully this new mini-series will up the action quotient and satisfy my monster mayhem cravings. The Art Adams cover is worth the price of the book along and I can’t wait to get stuck into the Trials of Ultraman.
On the radar this week some other comics not yet on the Pull List but well worth checking out:
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier : Art by Sergio Fernandez Davila : Cover by Iban Coello
Ultramega #1
Image Comics
Written and Illustrated by James Harren : Coloured by Dave Stewart
Legendary British comic artist Shaky Kane, who you might recognise from his work on Deadline and Bulletproof Coffin, and comic book performance artist Krent Able, are teaming up to bring us the portmanteau title Kane And Able.
This one had to happen! In the tradition of Godzilla and Kong, and Siegfried and Roy. Kane and Able have finally teamed up to ride the Action Park white-knuckle-head flume of comic book kulture! Only a book this big could do it justice!” said Kane.
Readers will slip in and out of subconsciousness with the “Astonishing Shield Bug”, surf the Fleshwave with Black Fur in “Who Fears The Deathroach?”, journey into the sub-basement in the gasoline-tinged “Dustmites,” and ride into the Creepzone with Nightmare and Sleepy in the aptly named “Creepzone”!
I’m a huge fan of Shaky Kane and have only recently discovered Albe thanks to Image so I’m just a little bit excited about this book.
Kane and Able original graphic novel will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, June 23 2021.
First look through the Keyhole
New York Times bestselling novelist Joe Hill and superstar artist Gabriel Rodríguez have crafted a tale of mystery and terror, bringing together two of comics’ greatest fantasy franchises — their award-winning series Locke & Key published by IDW and DC’s blockbuster The Sandman, created by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, and Mike Dringenberg — in Locke & Key / The Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #1, slated for release on April 14th.
Hell & Gone #1 follows a desperate Mary Locke, whose brother Jack may be 10 years dead but still sends letters home from Hell. Her quest to rescue him from The Pit will require her to outsmart Roderick Burgess (the most wicked man in England), puzzle her way through the House of Mystery, and risk the walking nightmare known as The Corinthian in a disintegrating Kingdom of Dreams!
Locke & Key / The Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #1 will be available with multiple cover variants for retailers and fans to enjoy, including Cover A by Gabriel Rodríguez, Cover B by JH Williams III, Cover C by Kelley Jones, and two Retailer Incentive editions featuring art by Rodríguez and Williams, respectively.
Your Local Comics Shops
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https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK

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