It’s a Marvel heavy Pull List this week. The Comic of the Week title goes to The X-Cellent from Marvel Comics. The other 4 comics all come from Marvel Comics. The comics On The Radar come from DC Comics, Image Comics and Marvel Comics. In MEANWHILE… get ready for the Comic Book Punks!
Games Are Back, Dreams Are Gone – Gaming Roundup
This week, The Super Mario Bros Movie, Tears of the Kingdom, Final Fantasy and Dreams
Guardians of the Galaxy – Pull List 12th April
We have a whopping 16 comics for you this week. The Comic of the Week title goes to Guardians of the Galaxy from Marvel Comics. The other 15 comics come from Image Comics, Syzygy Publishing, DC Black Label, IDW Publishing, Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics and Vault Comics. With so many new comics this week, MEANWHILE… takes a short break.
Planet of the Apes – Pull List 5th April
We have 6 new comics for you on the Pull List this week. Our Comic of the Week comes from Marvel Comics, with the rest of the pull list made up of comics from Image Comics, Aftershock Comics and Marvel Comics. Our On The Radar selection comes from Dark Horse Comics, Ahoy Comics, Marvel Comics and Image Comics. Plus in MEANWHILE… prepare for the Fall of X.
E3 Cancelled – Gaming Roundup
This week, E3 may be officially dead.