It’s New Comic Book Day where Shuri, The Unstoppable Wasp, Doctor Who:The Thirteenth Doctor and Runaways are our picks of the week.
dark horse comics
Dead Rabbit #NewComicBookDay 3rd October 2018
It’s New Comic Book Day where Dead Rabbit, Battlestar Galactica, The Umbrella Academy and The Megatomic Battle-Rabbit are our picks of the week.
Head Lopper #NewComicBookDay 12th September 2018
It’s New Comic Book Day where Head Lopper, Cemetery Beach and Mystery Science Theatre 3000 are our picks of the week.
West Coast Avengers #NewComicBookDay 22th August 2018
New Comic Book Day including West Coast Avengers, Doctor Aphra and The Snagglepuss Chronicles. Add them to your pull list at your local comic book store today!
The Seeds #NewComicBookDay 1st August 2018
New Comic Book Day including The Seeds. Add them to your pull list at your local comic book store today!