Some normality returns this week as UK comic shop reopen. This week we take a look at some comics you should add to your pull list including Adventureman, Strange Adventure and Wynd.
The GB Pull List – #NTYCBD 10th June 2020
With weekly US comics in the UK still not back to normal we’ll continue to bring you comics you might have missed in #NTYCBD – This week we take a look at Quantum and Woody, Cognetic and Why I Hate Saturn.
The GB Pull List – #NTYCBD Activism 3rd June 2020
It’s time for another edition of #NTYCBD – this week it’s recommendations for activism comics you might have missed. We take a look at the March Trilogy, The Scar and They Called Us Enemy.
The GB Pull List – #NTYCBD Crossovers 27th May 2020
It’s time for another special edition of #NTYCBD – my recommendations for Crossover comics you might have missed. This week we take a look at The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans, Justice League/Power Rangers and Predator Versus Judge Dredd Versus Aliens.
The GB Pull List – #NTYCBD Star Wars Edition 6th May 2020
It’s time for a special edition of #NTYCBD – my recommendations for Star Wars comics you might have missed. This week we take a look at the original Marvel Years, Tag and Bink and Star Wars Manga.