The Geeky Brummie Pull List with The X-Cellent
It’s a Marvel heavy Pull List this week. The Comic of the Week title goes to The X-Cellent from Marvel Comics. The other 4 comics on the main Pull List are also from Marvel Comics. Our On The Radar selections include 4 comics from Image Comics, Marvel Comics and DC Comics. In MEANWHILE… Rebellion announces Comic Book Punks.
If you want to send any comics or details of any comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com or comics@geekybrummie.com
Now on with the comics…

The X-Cellent
Issue 2 (Volume 2)
Marvel Comics
Script – Peter Milligan
Art – Michael Allred
Colours – Laura Allred
Letters – Nate Piekos
Buy digitally on Comixology – The X-Cellent #2 (Link)
Zeitgeist launches a vicious cyber-attack on the X-Statix, revealing their darkest secrets to the public! Will this dirty laundry finally tear the X-Statix apart? And will any of them suffer the consequences?
I’ll ignore the crazy numbering Marvel is doing with this series, hence the Volume 2 addendum, and just rejoice in the fact we have this bonkers book back in our lives. Milligan is just doing what he does best and cares not one jot what is happening elsewhere in the Marvel Universe. The Allred’s nail the art, making this one of the best looking books out there. Highly recommended.

Issue 3
Marvel Comics
Script – Simon Spurrier
Art – Phillip Sevy and Lorenzo Tammetta
Colours – Rain Beredo
Letters – Clayton Cowles
Buy digitally on Comixology – Nightcrawlers #3 (Link)
LISTEN TO MOTHER! Now that we know who she truly is, it’s time to taste the horrific ambitions lurking in the heart of MOTHER RIGHTEOUS… The galaxy burns… The pieces are in place… The Storm System rages… The NIGHTKIN make a last, lethal leap…and the GREAT DEVOURER hungers only for vengeance. The experiment is over. The cosmic laboratory is on fire. At last, the Sinister Galaxy will feel the wrath of one seriously baaaad mother…
This is the last of the spin off Sins of Sinister books before we get the Dominion conclusion. Overall I’ve enjoyed this little jaunt more than I expected, but I guess having three of the best British writers in charge should have told me this was going to be good. It’ll be interesting to see if any of this has any bearing on The Fall of X.

New Mutants: Lethal Legion
Issue 2
Marvel Comics
Script – Charlie Jane Anders
Art – Enid Balam and Elisabetta D’Amico
Colours – Matt Milla
Letters – Travis Lanham
Buy digitally on Comixology – New Mutants: Lethal Legion #2 (Link)
THE NEW MUTANTS JOIN THE LETHAL LEGION?! That’s right, Count Nefaria is recruiting—and the New Mutants are lining up for the job! When Escapade, Scout and Cerebella set out to rob from the rich, they’ll find themselves in way over their heads. But surely the OG team will come rescue them, right? Only, Wolfsbane’s trapped in a sewer with a very angry beastie, Magik’s got X-Men business and Dani and Karma have no idea their young charges are in trouble. And make no mistake—between a room full of hardened criminals and a bottle of very expensive grappa, the kids are NOT all right.
I hadn’t intended to pick, but my LCS had popped it in my Pull so I thought I’d give it a good. The first issue was a lot of fun, so here it is on the Pull List. I’m a sucker for New Mutant stories and this may be a last hurrah for the kids before the Fall.

Issue 12
Marvel Comics
Script – Rainbow Rowell
Art – Joe Quinones and Andrés Genolet
Colours – Bryan Valenza and Dee Cunniffe
Letters – Joe Caramagna
Buy digitally on Comixology – She-Hulk #12 (Link)
She-Hulk reaches the landmark 175th issue! Not only does She-Hulk find herself face-to-face with the brand-new villain, Scoundrel, but she also puts her whole law practice in danger! All this, plus bonus stories that will have people talking!
She-Hulk hits a landmark issue in this run. The extended page count promises more stories and that can only be a good thing.

The Amazing Spider-Man
Issue 24
Marvel Comics
Script – Zeb Wells
Art – John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna
Colours – Marcio Menyz
Letters – Joe Caramagna
Buy digitally on Comixology – The Amazing Spider-Man #24 (Link)
Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together. Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred…
We flashback to what was happening before this run began. Will we get the answers we are desperately hoping for?

On the radar some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Superman #3
DC Comics
Script – Joshua Williamson
Art – Jamal Campbell
Letters – Ariana Maher
Buy digitally from Comixology – Superman #3 (Link)
SUPERMAN’S LOVED ONES ARE TRANSFORMED INTO RAVENOUS PARASITES! If Superman wants to find Parasite-Zero before its influence spreads to the whole world, he must take Lex up on his offer to work together! Even if it means using another of Superman’s enemies as bait!

Warlock: Rebirth #1
Marvel Comics
Script – Ron Marz
Art – Ron Lim and Don Ho
Colours – Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters – Joe Sabino
Buy digitally on Comixology – Warlock: Rebirth #1 (Link)
Adam Warlock was created to be the perfect human specimen. Since then, Adam has gone on to be a cosmic savior, defending the galaxy from the likes of Thanos, the Universal Church of Truth and the Magus. But what will happen when the next evolution of Warlock emerges? Someone who is stronger, faster and smarter than Adam?

Silent Tales #1
DC Comics
Script, Art and Colours – Gustavo Duarte
Buy physically from Forbidden Planet – Silent Tales #1 (Link)
Gustavo Duarte brings his style of humor to the DC Universe in six short stories featuring funny moments in your favorite superheroes’ lives! Where does Harley buy her mallets? What happens to Superman’s radioactive clothes? What’s a day off like for Cyborg? Be sure to check out this entirely silent comic!

Immortal Sergeant #4
Image Comics
Script – Joe Kelly
Art – J.M. Ken Niimura
Buy digitally on Comixology – Immortal Sergeant #4 (Link)
Sarge and Michael pursue a “person of interest” across state lines. Realizing that the situation is all kinds of bad, Michael tries to talk sense to his father. It does not go well, and Michael learns the terrible details of murder that’s driven Sarge to such extremes.

Rebellion to publish group biography Comic Book Punks
You’ll no doubt have heard or read about the famed ‘British Invasion’ of American comics in the 1980s but this new book by Karl Stock, based on years of interviews, takes a fresh look at the creators who together changed the face of mainstream pop culture.
Rebellion Publishing have acquired Karl Stock’s fascinating group biography of the UK’s writers and artists who reinvented comic books, setting the stage for comics to conquer popular culture.
Based on years of interviews with a generation of leading writers, artists and editors, Comic Book Punks: How a Generation of Brits Reinvented Pop Culture examines and celebrates how comics grew from little-regarded kids’ magazines to global franchises.
Exploring the early careers of the likes of Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison and more, Stock tells the story of the triumphs and disasters that rewrote the rulebook on what comics could be and who they should be for.

Comic Book Punks Are Coming
Comic Book Punks will be released in November 2023.
World All Language Rights were acquired by Ben Smith.
The creative revolution which occurred in British comics and spread across the Atlantic at the end of the 20th century had the same kind of pop cultural impact as Britain’s great record labels or city-based music scenes, yet until now it hasn’t been recorded in-depth on the same terms as these other hugely influential movements. Writing this history of an era, a stack of great comics and a group of visionary creators which crackled with genre-redefining invention has been an honour and a great pleasure, and hopefully reading it’s as entertaining and revealing as the research process.
Karl Stock, Writer
Stock has written the definitive account of a generation of comic book creators that turned the entire medium on its head, as important for the graphic novel as the New Hollywood filmmakers of the ’60s and ’70s were for cinema. Stock’s meticulous research, breadth of reading and one-to-one interviews make this group biography unmissable. Peeling back the layers of influence, collaboration and inspiration that saw ever-lasting works of importance created, Stock also finds the lost and overlooked narratives that opened the doors to the escalating ambition of these artists and writers. As we have sadly lost too many creators from that era in recent years, the timing of this book couldn’t be more important in explaining and marking their legacy.
Ben Smith, Editor
Karl Stock has written ‘Tharg’s Future Shocks’ for 2000 AD, Dredd prose fiction for the Judge Dredd Megazine and strips including ‘Sniper Elite’ and ‘Death Wish’ for Rebellion titles such as Battle, The Vigilant and Cor! & Buster, as well as interviews and features about comics for the Judge Dredd Megazine, Tripwire, Comic Heroes and more. He is the co-author of the 40th anniversary edition of Thrill-Power Overload, 2000 AD‘s official history, and lives in Scotland.

Your Local Comics Shops
Your local comic shops are now open and you can pop in for your geek fix. Listed below are some of the best shops across the county with links to check the very latest information including opening time and covid safety measures. Therefore, when visiting these shops please be patient and respectful to all the staff who are doing an incredible job.
Please check with stores for any changes to opening times and services.
Follow the stores social media pages for updates!
FORBIDDEN PLANET (VARIOUS) – includes Birmingham Megastore
Check their website for more information –
Check their website for more information –
https://goshlondon.com/the-gosh-blog/the-gosh-authority-130620-reopening-news/ and https://twitter.com/GoshComics
Follow the stores social media pages and website for updates!
http://www.okcomics.co.uk/ and https://twitter.com/OKComics
Check their website for more information –
http://www.page45.com/ and https://twitter.com/PageFortyFive
Check their website and social media for more information –
https://travellingman.com/ and https://twitter.com/TravellingManUK
On YouTube

Visit Worlds Apart Birmingham for all your comic and geeky collectable needs.
Keep a track of all your upcoming comics, trade and creators using the League of Comic Geeks website and app.
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