The Geeky Brummie Pull List with Power Girl
It’s Wednesday, so that must mean it’s time for the Pull List, and we have a lot of comics for you this week. Our Comic of the Week title is Power Girl from DC Comics. We have 9 other comics on the List coming from IDW Publishing, DC Comics, Image Comics, Rebellion and Marvel Comics. Our On The Radar selection includes 4 comics from Titan Comics, Dark Horse Comics, IDW Publishing and Ahoy Comics. And in MEANWHILE… news of a new thrill coming to the pages of 2000AD.
If you want to send any comics or details of any comic related events we should feature, feel free to reach out to me at keith@geekybrummie.com or comics@geekybrummie.com
Now on with the comics…

Power Girl
Issue 1
DC Comics
Script – Leah Williams
Art – Eduardo Pansica and Julio Ferreira
Colours – Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters – Becca Carey
Buy digitally on Comixology – Power Girl #1 (Link)
POWER GIRL STARS IN HER OWN EPIC ONGOING SERIES! Pretty, punchy, and powerful! After the events of Knight Terrors, a long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family. Who could possibly stop it? Well, according to the Man of Steel, it’s Power Girl! Witness a road trip race against time as Paige reconnects with her roots to save the world from her deadly past. Power Girl Special writer Leah Williams returns with artist Eduardo Pansica (SUPERGIRL) for an ongoing series of epic proportions!
I’ve been enjoying the recent resurgence of Power Girl, from her appearances in One-Star Squadron, Action Comics and her self titled special, Kara is enjoying quite the come back. Leah Williams has been doing a great job, revising and updating the character, and this first solo series in over a decade, looks to continue that success. Forget the clichés about her costume, Kara is a powerful and fascinating member of the DC family and I hope this series brings in new fans.

Godzilla: War for Humanity
Issue 2
IDW Publishing
Script – Andrew MacLean
Art – Jake Smith
Letters – Rus Wooton
Buy digitally on Comixology – Godzilla: War for Humanity #2 (Link)
The menace of Zoospora spreads! The new monster on the block is going after Anguirus and the only hope against either is a robot called MOGUERA! The only hope, that is, unless Doctors Honda and Wiggum can find out any information about this new threat from the Voice! And where is Godzilla?
The first issue was a blast. The story and art just leapt off the page, so I’m completely onboard for more kaiju action with the book.

Miracleman: The Silver Age
Issue 6
Marvel Comics
Script – Neil Gaiman
Art – Mark Buckingham
Colours – Jordie Bellaire
Letters – Todd Klein
Buy digitally on Comixology – Miracleman: The Silver Age #6 (Link)
Young Miracleman has been found. Now what? One Miracleman decided to destroy the world and almost did. Another Miracleman decided to rebuild the world in his own image and DID IT. What will this Miracleman do?
This book is like finding a lost relic. The story feels rooted in the past, but also a vital part of the present. The creative team are doing wonderful work here and I love every issue.

Battle Action
Issue 5
Script – Garth Ennis and Torunn Gronbekk
Art – Mike Dorey and Patrick Goddard
Buy from 2000AD webshop – Battle Action #5 (Link)
The latest iteration of Battle Action concludes with two explosive war stories. This issue kicks off with an early adventure of Hellman, when he led the Condor Legion in Spain and where the conflict he fought in forced him to determine what he would stand for, written by Garth Ennis, with art by Mike Dorey. In Nina Petrova and The Angels of Death, Petrova takes a new Commissar under her wing and the green officer sees first-hand what war truly entails, by Torunn Grønbekk and Patrick Goddard.
This is the final issue of this run of Battle Action, but it appears to have been enough of a success to ensure a return in 2024. The crossover with 2000AD last week was a blast and it’s great to see a variety of home grown comics on the shelves again.

The Immortal Thor
Issue 1
Marvel Comics
Script – Al Ewing
Art – Martín Cóccolo
Colour – Matt Wilson
Letter – Joe Sabino
Buy digitally on Comixology – The Immortal Thor #2 (Link)
TORANOS WALKS THE EARTH! An Elder God of the Utgard-Realm had marked Thor for destruction—and a city with him. Yet the only power that could prevail carried its own terrible price. And all the while, Loki waited—Loki, who took no side and played no favorites…even if it be their own kin. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR…and the hour of his greatest trial.
A new addition to the Pull List, after Neil Patel convinced me to pick up the first issue. Much like its Immortal stablemate, The Hulk, Al and his creative team are producing a comic that reminds you why a character like Thor has endured for so long. This book is beautiful and really should be on your pull.

Star Trek
Issue 12
IDW Publishing
Script – Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Art – Angel Unzueta
Buy digitally on Comixology – Star Trek #12 (Link)
The crossover event between Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant comes to a thrilling conclusion in part five of Day of Blood! Using powers bestowed upon him by the Prophets, emissary Benjamin Sisko withstands the god-killing weapon for now, but forces of the Orb of Destruction wear on him with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Worf agonizes over a fatal wound of his own that he can never hope to heal. What will become of our heroes? What will become of the universe? Can the crews of the Theseus and Defiant stop the godkiller once and for all?
This issue wraps up the Day of Blood crossover, which has been a lot of fun. The IDW Star Trek line has been a really great addition to the Star Trek Universe and I hope it continues for some time. Fans of Lower Decks should also look out for a Shax one-shot which features in our On The Radar selection, which tells the Day of Blood story from the Bajorian Lieutenant Junior Grade point of view.

Unstoppable Doom Patrol
Issue 6
DC Comics
Script – Dennis Culver
Art – Chris Burnham
Colours – Brian Reber
Letters – Pat Brosseau
Buy digitally on Comixology – Unstoppable Doom Patrol #6 (Link)
General Immortus launches his attack against the Doom Patrol right in the heart of their home base, the Shelter! Caught off guard, the team must stop the general’s army from killing all of the metahumans they’ve sworn to protect. Fortunately, they won’t have to do it alone, as the all-new Flex Force rises to help them! But is this the real threat or merely a diversion? Only Immortus knows for sure!
I can’t believe this is the penultimate issue of this series. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this iteration of the team and I hope DC see fit to bring them back soon.

Void Rivals
Issue 4
Image Comics
Script – Robert Kirkman
Art – Lorenzo De Felici
Colours – Mat Lopes
Buy digitally on Comixology – Void Rivals #4 (Link)
The climactic return to the SACRED RING! Thrown before the highest authority for their crimes against the Sacred Ring, will Darak and Solila’s newfound alliance hold strong? THE MOST SHOCKING NEW SERIES OF THE YEAR CONTINUES!
The Energon Universe goes from strength to strength. Kirkman is a master of world building and this series is such a fun read.

Micronauts Facsimile Edtion
Issue 1
Marvel Comics
Script – Bill Mantlo
Art – Michael Golden and Josef Rubinstein
Colours – Glynis Oliver
Letters – Tom Orzechowski
Buy digitally on Comixology – Micronauts Facsimile Edition #1 (Link)
The Micronauts first adventure begins with the escape of Prince Argon and his sister Mari. Children of the royal family of Homeworld, they saw their parents slain by their own citizens, led into insurrection by their former chief scientist, the Baron Karza.With some guards still faithful, they are able to escape. They are pursued by the Dog soldiers of Baron Karza and the acroyear warriors of Karza’s ally, prince Shaitan. They find a place to hide and Argon shows his little sister that he has summoned the Enigma force in order to help them. Unfortunately, their hiding-place is found and Argon is shot. Still alive, he is taken to the body-banks of Karza.Some time later, the first space traveler, Commander Arcturus Rann, lands in Homeworld after 1000 years in suspended animation. He was surprised by the Dog soldiers and, after being shot, he wakes up in a cell.In it, he meets Prince Acroyear and the master thief, Bug of Kaliklak. They explain to him that, during his travels, faster-than-light space travel was discovered and so, his 1000 years travel was useless. He also discovers that his professor, 1000 years ago, is the new ruler of his planet, the Baron Karza. Soon after, the three heroes were led into the huge arena, under the sight of Karza. Assisted by a robot, a beautiful blond girl plays as a marionette in the place. It’s the Princess Mari (and her tutor-robot Microtron), They have become members of the Homeworld underground and already allies of Acroyear and Bug.The battle begins between the Micronauts and a Deathtank, a giant and dreadful robot.Thanks to the strength of Acroyear and to the hidden weapon of Bug , they destroy the tank meanwhile some bombs, put by the underground, explode in the stands. The strange apparition called Enigma force shows himself a second time, saying to Rann it’s time to run. Commander Rann, Mari (now called as Marionette), Acroyear and Bug escape from the arena. After joining his space ship, the HMS Endeavor, and his personal…
Somehow I managed to miss the ROM Spaceknight Facsimile Edition last week, but I wasnt going to make the same mistake again this week. I’m a lifelong fan of ROM and The Micronauts and these facsimile editions are being used to promote the new Omnibus editions of both titles that are due to release in 2024. This first issue of The Micronauts is pretty special and Michael Golden’s art is absolutely stunning. If you’ve never experienced The Micronauts before, be sure to pick up this issue, and prepare to be blown away.

What’s The Furthest Place From Here?
Issue 14
Image Comics
Script – Matthew Rosenberg
Art – Tyler Boss
Colours – Roman Titov and Shycheeks
Letters – Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Buy digitally on Comixology – What’s The Furthest Place From Here? #14 (Link)
Sid finds peace when she meets a family that isn’t trying to trick her. But one meal will change everything as her journey finally comes to an end in The City.
Still one of the most unique comics on the shelves, this issue brings this part of the journey to an end.

On the radar, some other comics not on the Pull List but well worth checking out:

Conan the Barbarian #3
Titan Comics
Script – Jim Zub
Art – Roberto De La Torre
Colours – Dean White
Letters – Richard Starkings
Buy digitally from Comixology – Conan the Barbarian #3 (Link)
Years after the battle of Venarium, a weary CONAN returns to his homeland to seek rest and solitude. However, a mysterious scout rides in to warn the Cimmerians of an imminent threat on the march from the Pictish wilderness. Will CONAN and his new ally be able to hold off this new horde of invaders?

Maskerade #8
Dark Horse Comics
Script – Kevin Smith
Art – Giulia Gualazzi
Colours – Giulia Brusco
Letters – Andrew Thomas
Buy digitally on Comixology – Maskerade #8 (Link)
Hold onto your helmets for Maskerade mayhem in the ferocious finale! The debut series from Kevin Smith’s Secret Stash Press ties off Felicia’s ferocious retribution rampage, vexing viewers in a live-and lethal-season finale. Will our hell-bent heroine pull off her plan? Will she navigate her napalmed nuthouse and live to slice another day? Stay tuned-same time, same channel.

Star Trek: Day of Blood – Shax’s Best Day #1
IDW Publishing
Script – Ryan North
Art – Derek Charm
Buy digitally on Comixology – Star Trek: Day of Blood – Shax’s Best Day #1 (Link)
You’ve seen Captains Benjamin Sisko and Worf with their crews of the U.S.S. Theseus and Defiant stop the fascist, god-killing clone Kahless II from declaring war on non-followers across the galaxy in a brutal battle on Qo’noS. But you haven’t seen it from the eyes of the man, the myth, the legend, Lieutenant Junior Grade Shaxs!

Second Coming: Trinity #6
Ahoy Comics
Script – Mark Russell
Art – Leonard Kirk and Richard Pace
Buy physically from Forbidden Planet – Second Coming: Trinity #6 (Link)
Heartbreaking final issue of the series that’s “incredibly empathetic, thoughtful, and — in the right places — deeply funny” (Comics Beat). Sheila and Sunstar must make some tough decisions, ones that will change not only their lives but their son’s life as well. It’s never easy to say goodbye… Also featuring bonus stories and illustrations, including a new chapter of the AHOY fifth anniversary prose serial.

2000 AD Announces New Thrills
The Devil’s Railroad Begins in 2000 AD Prog 2352
A major new series starts in 2000 AD Prog 2352, out on the 4th October, as the powerhouse creative team of Peter Milligan, Rufus Dayglo, Jose Villarrubia and Jim Campbell present The Devil’s Railroad.

Set in the Year 3038. the series follows Constance and Palamon, a young couple who have just found out something that changes everything: Constance is pregnant. But their home on Diaspora X-167 is trapped in the middle of a cosmic warzone, subject to nightly bombing raids… and no place to raise a family.
The couple have no choice but to evacuate their home planet in an attempt to make their way across the dangers of the galactic warzone – and to Earth. All humanoid babies born on Earth become Earth Citizens with full Earth rights, guaranteeing them a chance at a safer and more secure future.
But in order to make their way to the planet, they’ll have to first brave the notorious and incredibly dangerous smuggling route known as The Devil’s Railroad…
A deeply resonant and powerful exploration at what drives people to leave their homes and seek a better life for themselves and their families, The Devil’s Railroad is a politically-charged series which deals with themes of home, identity, immigration and belonging. If you’re a fan of stories like Saga, Children of Men or The Last of Us, The Devil’s Railroad is a can’t miss series!
The Devil’s Railroad begins in 2000 AD Prog 2352, out on the 4th October 2023

Your Local Comics Shops
Britain has some of the best comics shops in the world. This updated lists features just a few of the shops you can pop in to for your geek fix. Check out you own local shops and if they don’t appear on this list let me know and we can add them.
Birmingham’s premier comic book store and Pokestop.
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 09:30 – 17:00
Wednesday, Friday: 09:30 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 – 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
14-16 Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4EN Tel: 0121 643 0143
Website: Forbidden Planet International and Twitter: @WorldsApart_Bir

Graphic novel/comic store with merchandise & T-shirts, plus character figures & toys.
Monday to Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
74 Bull St, Birmingham B4 6AD Tel: 0121 236 3026
Website: Forbidden Planet and Twitter: @ForbiddenPlanet

A mean little comics shop in the heart of London.
Open Daily: 10:30 – 19.00
1 Berwick St, London W1F 0DR Tel: 0207 437 0187
Website: Gosh! Comics and Twitter: @GoshComics

Twenty Year Old, Eisner Award Nominated Comic Book Shop in the beating heart of Leeds City Centre, UK.
Open Monday to Saturday: 11.00 – 17.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 15.00
19 Thornton’s Arcade, Briggate, Leeds LS1 6LQ Tel: 0113 246 9366
Website: OK Comics and Twitter: @OKComics

UK Comic Shop created & curated since 1994 by Stephen Holland, Comics Laureate 2021-23.
Open Monday to Saturday: 09.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 16.00
Closed on Bank Holiday Mondays, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
9 Market St, Nottingham NG1 6HY Tel: (0115) 9508045
Website: Page 45 and Twitter: @PageFortyFive

Travelling Man Is The UK’s Friendliest Comic & Games Shop Since 1991. Shop Online Now! Explore The Rich Genres & Worlds That Games, Comics & Independent Press Have To Offer. Since 1991.
Open Monday to Saturday: 10.00 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 -17.00
32 Central Road, Leeds LS1 6DE Tel: 0113 245 0822
74 Goodramgate, York YO1 7LF Tel: 01904628787
43 Grainger Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 5JE Tel: 0191 261 4993
4 Dale Street, Manchester M1 1JW Tel: 0161 237 1877
Website: Travelling Man and Twitter: @TravellingManUK

Mega City Comics, was established in 1981, initially as a mail-order business, supplying comics, graphic novels, and collecting supplies. After 6 years of mail-order and trading through the comic marts, we opened our shop in Camden Town in 1987.
Open Monday to Friday: 11.00 -18.00
Saturday: 10.30 – 18.00
Sunday: 11.00 – 18.00
18 Inverness Street, Camden Town, London NW1 7HJ Tel: 020 7485 9320
Website: Mega City Comics and Twitter: @MegaCityComics

A trio of comic shops in Bedford, Northampton and Peterborough.
20 Allhallows, Bedford MK40 1LJ Tel: 01234 270777
Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 17.30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
29 Abington Square, Northampton NN1 4AE Tel: 01604 602311
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:30
Wednesday: 10:00 – 19.00
Thursday to Friday: 10:00 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
25 Broadway, Peterborough PE1 1SQ Tel: 01733 892827
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday: 10:30 – 17:30
Wednesday: 10:30 – 18:00
Thursday to Friday : 10:30 – 17:30
Saturday: 09:30 – 17:30
Sunday: CLOSED
Website: Close Encounters and Twitter: @CEncountersUK

Retailers of new Comics weekly, Magic the Gathering Card Games, Board Games, Toys, T-Shirts plus loads more.
Monday: CLOSED
Open Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 16:00
Sunday: CLOSED
116 Friargate, Preston PR1 2EE Tel: 01772 204287
Website: That Comic Shop and Twitter: @ThatComicShop

Comic book shop in Dorset, dealing in graphic novels, statues, action figures, card games, limited edition comics and more
Monday: Closed
Open Tuesday to Friday: 10:30 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 16:00
19 High Street, Poole, Dorset BH15 1AB Tel: 01202 661346
Website: Paradox Comics and Twitter: @ParadoxComicsUK

Comic Book Shop in the centre of Wakefield. Stocking the latest comics direct from the US.
Open Monday: 9:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 9:00 – 16:30
Wednesday to Saturday: 9:00 – 17:00
Sunday: CLOSED
3 The Springs, Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 1PU Tel: 01924 375234
Website: Wakefield Comics 616 and Twitter: @wakeycomics616

Comic Book Guys – Northern Ireland’s newest independent comic book store also stocking movie memorabilia, toys & other collectibles… excelsior!
Open Monday to Saturday: 10.00 to 17.00
Sunday: CLOSED
130 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7BG Tel: 02890 080169
Website: Comic Book Guys and Twitter: @comicbookguysni

A welcoming and friendly comic book shop. Comics, toys, books, games and merchandise for all ages.
Open Monday to Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 17:00
26 Red Lion Street, Richmond TW9 1RW Tel: 0208 948 8476
Website: Raygun Comics and Twitter: @Raygun_comics

Dave’s Comics, The Graphic Novel Shop.
Open Monday to Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:30 – 18:00
Sunday: 11.00 – 17:00
5 Sydney St, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 4EN Tel: 01273 691012
Website: Dave’s Comics and Twitter: @DavesComics

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